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  1. According to the stock thread, you are actually the most massive loser on this website. Wally inverse? What fucking ring, only losers get rings. I graduated from Texas in '12.
  2. You fucking losers will bitch about anything. Get your shit done. Protect your family. Fuck off.
  3. am I drunk? or are you drunk? or are we both drunk?
  4. stop talking about your stupid grass you geriatric fucks
  5. their eyebrows are slightly different
  6. New York CIty? You mean Jew York? -Kenny Powers
  7. is there a code or is this just free adv now that you cant vote for best place in 2025
  8. have rex and ztejas fucked yet?
  9. persian pussy is fucking hot though so maybe try to find a different diss?
  10. no youre white so I am confused by your bullshit.... still driving uber?
  11. Hey look the alcholic SMU guy negged me!!!!
  12. Stick to your podcasts ROD.
  13. Just to chime in: The age I was born with is 36 which makes me millennial But, I act and bang 25 which means I identify as Gen Z.
  14. I started Ep 1 last night. Wish me luck.
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