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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. Extremely satisfying first couple of episodes, despite the "skinny margarita with Titos" order.  He should have just left her ass at the bar.  


    "because you've got all the pussy and half the money" was a great line. 


    I guess I do haz the confuze on the scene where Monica was walking to the bunkhouse.  So I guess the ranch hands were hanging one of the bad guys?  At first I assumed it was the other way around.  



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  2. Waded Friday afternoon and most of the day on Saturday. All our Reds were super shallow. Came across a pod of about 25 of them hauling ass in 12 “ of water on the Dewberry shoreline where the Lagoon empties out. We managed to catch up to them and I got one on top water and a buddy hooked up and then broke off and then they scattered.

    Next day in same area they wanted no part of top water at all. I finally switched to salt pepper Gambler and put it on their nose and the finally bit.

    One trout was caught drifting over by Bill Day.

    Was a pretty weekend of weather and the wind was much lighter than expected.

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    How shitty was that Judson coach? They fire him & immediately beat the best team in the city, then the next week take the new best team in the city down to the wire. 

    So last week we had a fantastic game in a must win scenario. After the game some parents went to a local drinking establishment in Schertz and I was leaving I saw two guys that had Judson apparel on.

    I knew from the scoreboard app that they had won within the last minute. So I stopped and asked them how they ended up winning the game and one of them launches into this bourbon fueled passionate diatribe about “everything we do is for this guy right here “ etc etc etc etc and he points to a guy standing next to me wearing Aggy hat , who I hadn’t noticed was there. there. Well that was the fired coach and the two guys apparently are assistants.
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