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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. For the most part, the players this season have been pretty forward thinking in regards to their weekly strategy for who goes up and all the contingency plans needed in regards to POV options. Right up until Azah’s HOH. She royally fucked up.

  2. 14 hours ago, msucolt45 said:

    Last Friday I officiated a game with two “smaller” schools SW of San Antonio. The one-school towns really help on atmosphere, as the bleachers might be smaller, but they’re full of Friday Night Lights Fans!

    Great game by both teams and the home team won. We even had a game where only eleven fouls were counted and it was 5 vs 6!

    This Friday is I have a team from S of Austin playing a SA team and one is 3-0, the other 2-1, so it should be exiting for all participants, including the officials! Best of luck to all involved this year, in all capacities, in TXHSFB: supporting staff of students like cheer, dance, and band. Especially, the players and coaches for what they go through throughout the season! Parents too! Your presence means more to your kids than you’ll ever imagine!

    I’ve officiated games before, that a team will have 60+ players, 100+ band members, and numerous cheer/dance squads and only see roughly 100-150 people in the stands. People need to make supporting their kids more of a priority!

    MSUColt Out!

    I know which game you are doing (they are both in our district) and I am really curious to see how the South of Austin team really looks.  We didn't get to play them last year due to COVID and it is my opinion that their first three games have been against ZERO competition.   They will probably steamroll the SA team this week but I look forward to our game with them in a couple of weeks. 


    We play my alma mater this week, so that should be fun.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. Two reasons
    1.) Dicker was most comfortable with Card.
    2.) Saban uses his starter on holds and Sarks liked it

    Our HS coach thought the same thing right up until point when the other team blocked a kick and our QB / holder grabbed the ball out of the air and the entire defense hammered him and sprained his ankle, an injury that lingered all season. It is not a good idea. Put a back QB in there
  4. In my mind, it would better to be up this week with your non Cookout partner than next week. This week, if the non cookout nominee wins POV, at least there is someone else to put up. (Claire). Next week of the last remaining non cookout member wins POV, that means two cookout members are going up and one for sure going home.

  5. I have a female co-worker just text and said it was hilarious. We will probably check it out.

    We watched four episodes last night. It is exactly what you think it is.

    Three hot early 20’s chicks are at a resort with 24 guys. 12 are “good guys” and 12 are “Fuck Boys”. It is unknown who is who.

    Typical dating show with dates , challenges and eliminations except it sounds like if the fuck boys are picked at the end they win money. The girls are supposed to be weeding them out but they suck at that because they all want to be dating the fuck boys.

    If you like trash tv, it is a decent show. The brunette is hot as fuck and is pretty funny.

    Nikki Glaser is the host and since it is on HBO has some freedom to throw in some rated R jabs at the dudes.
  6. I was thinking I'd give Fuckboy Island a try because of Nikki Glaser but someone who watched the first ep described it to me and it seems just as stupid and annoying as the shows it's trying to mock.

    I have a female co-worker just text and said it was hilarious. We will probably check it out.
  7. 1- I don’t know. My guess is they are told they should not win it.

    2- he is one of the dumbest players to ever play the game. And that is saying a lot. Can’t wait for him to be evoted

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  8. Been traveling so I was a little behind. Just watched the season finale last night and a few minutes of the new one.

    Gotta give props to Rachel for trying to save that kids life because otherwise he is so fucked.

    Daonte will for sure contact another Prisoner.

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