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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. For those in the San Antonio area, KSAT 12 has a "Big Game Coverage" app that is working with Texas Sports Productions to stream a large majority of the games in the area.  Makes it a lot easier on your phone and tablet. The app also has a scoreboard of all the games in the area.   They claim if you have Roku, Firestick or Apple TV, you can download the KSAT app and the games will be on there live.  I wasn't able to test that out last night since we were at a game.  


    Desoto vs Judson is tonight and is being streamed.  

    • Hook 'Em 1
  2. in the opening, the airport announcement said the flight to honolulu was boarding soon, so you have to assume it's just a connection.  realistic or not, it's the best way to keep it vague, and makes sense if they're in maui.

    I was about to say the same thing. They are flying to Honolulu. Also, Stiffler’s mom mentioned she and Uncle Rico were headed to the big island.
  3. Texas man wins $5.5 million in lawsuit claiming restaurant overserved him alcohol

    Source: https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/

    By Eloise Feilden

    August 16, 2021

    Daniel Rawls, from Andrews, Texas, has won an alcohol-related lawsuit against La Fogata Mexican Grill on claims that overdrinking caused an altercation with another customer.

    Judge holding gavel: Texas man wins $5.5 million in lawsuit claiming restaurant overserved him alcohol

    Andrews County 109th District Court awarded Rawls $5.5 million in a hearing on 27 July, according to the Houston Chronicle.

    In an incident which took place in May 2019, Rawls alleges that the bar's negligence in overserving him alcohol later caused him to be injured in an altercation with another customer.

    The lawsuit was made up of five claims, including premises liability and negligence and damages arising from foreseeable criminal conduct.

    Robert Henrickson is named as the other customer involved in the altercation. Rawls claimed to have sustained a "serious and debilitating" head injury after being assaulted by Henrickson, according to the Houston Chronicle.

    La Fogata, owner Lourdes Galindo and an unnamed bartender are cited in the lawsuit as responsible for the injury, having over-served alcohol to both men and allowed them to leave the bar together.

    Andrews County 109th District Court ruled in favour of Rawls in a default judgement, after the restaurant owner failed to respond to the suit or attend the hearing. The court did not rule on whether or not the claims were true.

    According to the Texas Rules of Appellate Procedure, La Fogata has 30 days to appeal the ruling if they intend to seek a new trial.

    Rawls allegedly has a history of excessive drinking, according to the Houston Chronicle. Local jail records show he was arrested in February 2019 and May 2021 on charges of public intoxication.

  4. With the Olympics ending we have a lot of catching up to do. Without looking at the thread is this season worth catching up on?

    It’s fine. Nothing spectacular but it has kept our interest.


    These are the drunkest states in America, ranked

    Source: https://www.thedrinksbusiness.com/

    By Christian Smith

    August 5, 2021

    America is a huge country, and thus it's only reasonable to note that drinking rates across the nation vary considerably. A new study has revealed the drunkest states in America, based on a number of factors including binge drinking rates and alcohol-related deaths.

    The drunkest states in America

    While there are some surprise states high up the list, the lowest-ranked state, Utah, will not come as a shock to many. Utah has the reputation of being a "dry state", largely due to its restrictive and somewhat complicated liquor laws, and comes out as the least-drunk state.

    The study comes courtesy of 24/7 Wall Street.

    Binge-drinking was defined as advised by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - "four or more drinks in a single occasion for women and five or more for men." Heavy drinking is defined as at least eight drinks per week for women and 15 for men.

    While Utah came out as the least-drunk state in America, with just 12.2% of its population drinking excessively, Wisconsin was ranked as the drunkest state, with a whopping 24.2% of its population drinking excessively - five percent higher than the national average.

    Here is the ranking from drunkest to least drunk in full:


    North Dakota









    New Hampshire






    Rhode Island








    South Dakota

    New York



    New Jersey




    South Carolina




    North Carolina





    New Mexico







    West Virginia


  6. We have been watching the advance episode each week on Peacock. I will not spoil anything but I will say Melia admitted to enjoying the pleasure of women “during college”.

    • Drool 1
  7. It is now 20 years old but I loved The Mole. Netflix is showing now. Group of 10 are working challenges to put money into the pot that only one of them will win. One of them is The Mole and working to sabotage the group on challenges. Each week contestants answer questions about who they think the mole is. Person with least amount of correct answers gets booted off. Anderson Cooper is the host.

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