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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. I don’t really have any issues with Clooney but “story time with George “ was an ass whip for me. Like sitting around listening to two college buddies tell stories from way back when and you are the outsider.

  2. I would be willing to roll the dice.

    Big issue would be that the 5 stars don’t really know him and the 5 stars aren’t listening to their HS Coach when it comes to colleges. Winning will fix that but could be a couple of rough years recruiting, but we are already headed that way.

  3. I think this is a test from inside Belmont.  They are leaking stories to see who runs with it and if they report.  Best way to smoke out a rat is to see who runs when given the only exit 

    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. And Judson ISD opened up Veterans Memorial not too long ago as well which brings us four schools with the same name south of SA.  I think a few have actually played each other either in non district of the playoffs which makes commentary  and play by play fun. They really thought a few years back they would be able to keep a single high school open, but the numbers caught up to them.  Will this ever happen to Allen?   I know some folks up there who swear they will never open up a second high school.    I remind them down here many in the Judson ISD said the same thing.
    San Antonio Vets (Judson ISD)
    Corpus Christi Vets   ( CCISD) 
    Mission Vets 
    Brownsville Vets 
    But for awhile Judson was able to continue their way despite the loss of student population.   I guess it's starting to show up now?

    My step son plays for SA Vets Patriots. Yes, two years ago we played Missions Vets Patriots in playoffs. The announcers had no real idea what to do other than say San Antonio or Mission. Last year we played Corpus Vet Eagles in playoffs. Had first and goal from the 8 to win the game and couldn’t connect on anything for four straight plays. Heartbreaking.

    Anyways. Wagner has more kids enrolled than us and just moved up to 6A. They were right behind judson on enrollment. I think our enrollment is 1500 and change. This is just our third year of varsity ball. Just made the playoffs tonight for third straight year.
    • Like 1

  5. Lupe is close behind El Tiempo. Lupe has my favorite beef fajitas. The savory lime flavor is the best. But El Tiempo is better at Everything else. And the tenderloin/filet fajitas at El Tiempo are one of the best foods on the planet.

    They both are in a race on who can charge the most for a pound of fajitas.
    • Haha 1
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