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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. David needs to step his game up.

    My guess is Memphis goes after some combo of janelle / kaysar/ Ian

    Sad that Kevin stayed. His daily emotional rollercoaster is a little too much.

    I forgot Keesha was Hooters girl before her initial season. She was so cute back then. Did not gain any smarts over the years though.

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  2. I feel like Just Hook It is sitting in his bedroom with just one candle lit listening to Chicago’s greatest hits and looking at old pictures of Marlin while drinking cheap whiskey and coke while a tear builds in the corner of his eye.

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  3. This was my Fathers Day gift. Looks interesting. Anyone else have one ?


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    Finally tried this out. Was easy to put together and then it fits on your green egg and you close the lid over it. The Pizza Porta has its own lid on the front. The whole point is that you don’t lose all your heat opening the green egg lid.

    I will say that it did it’s job very well. My temp never wavered. Pizzas turned out pretty well. There are always things I will adjust and also make sure I do the grocery shopping next time.

    My suggestion - the Pizza Porta is a luxury To have. If you are cooking pizzas three times per year,probably not going to be worth it for you. If you are cranking out pizzas every month, would be a nice gift to ask for.




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  4. In regards to sauce, we have used this thing for years.  In fact, it may have been posted on the other site. 


    It is from America's Test Kitchen


    Makes 2 cups, enough for four nine-inch pan pizzas


    1 (28-ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, drained with juice reserved.  ( I use the San Marzano's I find at HEB)

    1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil

    1 teaspoon red wine vinegar

    2 garlic cloves, minced

    1 teaspoon dried oregano (a lot of time I just use Italian Seasoning)

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon pepper

    Throw all ingredients together and blend together. 

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  5. "Yeah, you should have been here [yesterday/last week].  We limited out in [2 hours/ before 8]."

    Every time a guide has mentioned that, it has been a death sentence for our trip.

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  6. So many years ago I was down in POC on one of the company group trips I put together each year.  (We take our distributors from around the state fishing when they achieve their goals. Usually ends up like 25-40 people.  Amazing amount of eating and drinking and we will have 7-10 boats booked for bay trips, My dad would always come down and cook big ass filet tenderloins and fish with me).  We have the guides usually meet everyone at Clark's and they head out from there.  I had booked myself a house on a canal in Dolphin Point, so my guide I usually fish with would just come park at our place and pick us up there.  Made it a lot easier when you are loading wading gear and beer.  This guide can certainly be a dick at times but we always caught fish so I tolerated him.  At this point I am doing 3 large trips per year on top of my personal fishing. 


    So that morning we get up and there is some weather activity out in the gulf.  Guide tells me that the weather is moving across this way and we are going to slide in behind it and fish the surf.  Back then I really enjoyed fishing but I hadn't become obsessed with it like I am now.  So we head out towards the jetties and then make that turn down south as we clear them. Less than 10 min later, SHIT HITS THE FAN.  That thing is on top of us, driving rain sideways and lightening all around us.  On the boat is myself, my dad, my boss at the time and my buddy who works for the distributor.  We can't see shit.  Rods are humming from the electricity in the air.  I am for sure thinking that this is how I go down.  Guide is trying to turn us back to the jetties but he can't see shit and waves are kicking our ass.  Eventually he manages to get us back inside.  We are all pretty shook.  At the time, the rumor was that our company was going to pick up the rights to this Zubrowka Bison Grass Vodka and I had found  a bottle while walking through liquor stores and I brought with me just so we could try it out. Once we are clear of dying I grab the bottle out of the ice chest  and start passing it around. We finish it off while sitting there along Matagorda shoreline.   Even the guide was drinking and he never drinks on the boat.  We end just fishing that shoreline and not catching shit. 


    So that afternoon I head over to Clarks and our boats are starting to roll in.  All the other Captains were smart and stayed in the marina until the storm actually passed and then went and hit the surf and crushed it.  One bigger boat even went out to the first set of rigs and brought back some snapper.  Errrrrrrbody had fish except us.  I was pretty pissed.  Eventually I got smart and was tired of his BS so I started fishing with other guides and started picking up more and more skills and knowledge. 

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