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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. I don’t know.  I fish the area they were in somewhat regularly and it’s just another area to me.  I usually start further south and work my way back thru Carlos, Mesquite, then the East end of SAB. I know ~5 teams out of the regular 20-25 teams that enter it, and almost every year they all stuff themselves in Pringle it seems.  This year it wasn’t as cold so that might have left some more options open.  My buddy was hitting Shoalwater way when Simmons blew past him heading south.  Another guy we know was late in launch order and ended up in the same area down south.  So at least a few teams had found fish there, or heard, or something.  They said it was an absolute beating crossing SAB.    I will say I’ve really tried to learn that area better. The tournament I fish in POC every April has been won several times over from teams fishing between second and third chains. It’s usually YooHoo water when I try but man if I can ever learn it, it’d be nice and cut another 20 miles off my typical route.   We’re you able to get down there pre-front this week? 

    I sent you PM with questions.

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  2. We did the 16th suite on Friday. Had great time. I won $150 betting on closest to the hole. Then some chick pulled out her massive tits three times before being escorted away by Sheriff deputy.

    The real winner is the scene at the Fairmont after the tournament. World championship caliber ladies.


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  3. Hey cant we just get a mod to change the thread title?

    I was going to create new thread but then figured we should just have an all encompassing Fishing thread and let it run year after year. If admin can change the name of this thread, that would be cool. “Fishing: Looking for Big Girls that Swallow”

    Fatty - In Regards to freeze out tournament: all the boats that went south, what were they looking for as far as areas to fish ? There more kids//shell down there. Just curious. I’ve caught some fish in the winter with other people but I seem to struggle locating fish when we are out bouncing around on our own boat.

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  4. Fished Friday afternoon and thought we might get into some trout pre-front. Wind was still out of the south. One 12” trout over at Army Hole as we were making a run back in.

    Sat was miserable. Nothing. That north wind was brutal. I called it quits at 11. We were wading and My only excitement was when I was looking over my two fishing compadres to see if they had anything working and I felt a hit on my corky and looked over and saw a damn seagull pick it up. I don’t know where those guys caught their trout that won but it sure as hell wasn’t near us.

    I am going to have to invest in some decent wade boot for the winter. I have those Soft Science zip up boots which are amazing light in summer on hard bottoms but they just don’t have enough structure in them to do soft mud without wanting to pull right off my heel. I need something I can tie with laces and get a snug fit.

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  5. Lol how the fuck do you keep Kelsey after all that. Even if one of the girls popped her champagne and winked at her afterwards, you can’t just keep her after she reacts like that. Not with some of the hot ass girls he sent home.

    Plus they gotta keep the required amount of other ethnicities around until later in the season rose ceremonies.

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