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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. So private dinner Thursday night in Aspen with some customers was a nice treat . More great wine. The theme was Wines That Inspired You and was hosted by Charles Bieler and Joel Gott. Joel also brought a few wines from his cellar. Mezcal was for dessert.

    That Trevallon was whole cluster Cab with Syrah and big. The Insignia was classic old school Napa Cab.

    Yesterday was Fried Chicken and Champagne lunch.

    About the Building Blocks Cab: Story is that Joey Wagner volunteered to chair the charity event for his kids school. Then the next day realized he made a mistake. So he called Dave Phinney and Joel Gott (their kids go to same school ) and tried to rope them into helping. After a couple of weeks of floundering to get things going, they agreed to hire an Event Coordinator to handle it. She knocked it out of the park and they decided to do something fun for the auction. So they bottled 10 case of 2010 mags of Building Blocks Cab, which is 1/3 Caymus Special Select, 1/3 Pappillion, and 1/3 Gott Napa Cab.











  2. Was pretty boring season.  I will say that the ending had me cheering though.  Never in million years did I think he would have the balls to take the money.  And why wasn't he banging that every night??  I mean, it has to be some pretty long days there. At the very least, bang it out a few times just to break up the day. 



  3. Texas Star posted a pic of a tagged redfish. Looks like that might be the first one.

    One of the guides said a guy hooked a fish and let his kid reel it in and it was a tagged fish. Didn’t qualify. Not sure if true or not though. What a kick in the nuts if true.

  4. We are headed back in a couple of weeks for four nights.  Five couples, three of which has never been.  Bastos is first night and Ballyhoo is last night (after we get off the fishing boat).   Anything stellar we should try out for dinner the other nights?

  5. I don't retain much from GF watching this in the background, but this quote from Lala was a gem:
    "I don't think I'm better than people. But I know when I'm above someone."

    Her best quote was “I can suck dick to get on a PJ (private jet) “.

    Apparently she had a rich BF before who spoiled her and now she doesn’t but still wants the PJ lifestyle.

    I watch Below Deck with the wife. It’s usually pretty entertaining with some hookups. Red heads aren’t really my thing, but I bet Rhylee from last season will fuck you until she rips out your soul.

    Also just finished watching Summer House. Hot chicks.
    • Like 1
  6. Fished POC for a couple of hours Sat afternoon and found steady trout. 18 keepers. I had a baby Black Tip eat the tail off one of my trout and then try to come back for another one. Could have had more keepers but we had to get boat back in storage so we could drive to CC because we had a trip to Baffin planned with a cousin of mine for today. Limited out. Nothing huge. I think 21 “ was biggest. Great time on the water. My old man tries to set the World Record for trash talk every single fishing trip. I wonder how many times I have heard “there is a fish behind every cast, it’s all about presentation” in my life.




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  7. Dough is the right place if you want pizza.
    Cured at The Pearl is excellent.

    If I was gonna make sweet love to a pizza, it would be the Pork Love pizza at Dough. Would go balls deep....

    Toro- we had a good time last night. Large group with several things being passed around. Good vibe. There is an underground bar to grab a cocktail. We had someone that lives in Spain with us so she took care of all the ordering. Scallops were very good. There was something that was like a fried potato dumpling thing that was good. There was something like some steak bites that I would pass on. We had many bottles of the Finca Nueva wines that were on their feature card and they were delicious. Ended getting a Porron and shooting wine out of it. Good times.

    Of the two different paella’s we had, the one that had the pasta was far superior to the Mariner one we had.
  8. Looks like toro has taken the lead. What’s the vibe like there? I like the wine list and menu, my wife just wants to have a couple cocktails and have a good time. Looks like both can be accomplished 

    Going to tonight and I will report back.

    Been to the one up north on a Sat night and it was pretty happening. Dancers and music.
  9. Taking the family to Port Aransas this weekend.   Probably will sneak off for a quick wade one morning.  Catch a tagged Redfish or something.  Any good suggestions on places to walk in?

    I have walked in from the truck back behind the Island of the Sun Church back towards CC a couple of times.  Didn't really catch anything though.   It's an easy wade.   

    I managed to get my truck stuck over by Brown & Root flats one time.  That sucked.   I am not sure I really want to cross the ferry to go over there because getting back across will be a nightmare with the holiday weekend traffic. 



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