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Posts posted by Mac8111

  1. I said on the other site that my wife’s cousin plays Snell. Y’all have probably seen him in a ton of other shit too (Trainspotting, Children of Men, War Horse, Braveheart). Anyway we tried to meet up with him in ATL in March but they were filming all night. One of the local cousins said they had to build a replica of the house they used for Snells in S1 because the owners were so offended by the drugs in the show. csb 

    That same dude is on Westworld
  2. I completely blew off work today and fished from sun up to sundown with the old man. Ran all the way to Baffin and fished all points in between. I personally caught 25 undersize trout. Only had one keeper. He had two keepers. Still was a blast. Caught 8 trout on 8 straight casts with the same Molten shrimp gulp.

    Good day overall.

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  3. It's been a very slow start to my summer of fishing, but things are about to heat up. Headed to Rockport next week, Islamorada mid-July, then Alaska/Wyoming/Chandeleur in late July and early August.
    This is not a humble brag.

    Best day of fishing I ever had was in Islamorada.

  4. Our latest Nextdoor issue was some lame dick was complaining about people drinking beer at our pool. “It’s against the rules and there are kids around “. I go to the pool all the time and there are never any issues with people getting out of hand. People usually bring a couple of beers With them in a small cooler. It’s not like they are bringing in 60 qt Yetis of beer.

    Just love people trying to tell others how to live their life. Like kids don’t get exposed to alcohol at every restaurant. Hell, didn’t Chuck E Cheese sell pitchers of beer ?

  5. That fish was caught early in the tournament too. I would have had a heart attack getting it in the net.

    I saw the story about that kid going back after the tagged red. Same thing I would do.

    I haven’t caught one, but I have ate some Triple tail and they are pretty damn good.

    Tons of work travel + kid’s baseball all star tournament means no fishing for me in the month of June. That really really sucks. I did get the wife a bunch of wading gear for Mother’s Day. So I guess I need to take her fishing soon.

    Follow up note from our Chandeleur Trip : a buddy got bacterial infection in his leg on the last day we were on the boat. It has been kicking his ass the last four weeks. He finally went and saw a specialist and they went “ nuclear jihad” on it with three different antibiotics. He says he didn’t have any cuts. Where the swelling started, there was a circle with a definite center to it. I thought maybe he got bit by a spider. Anyways, be careful out there.

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