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CFB Scorigami

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Everything posted by CFB Scorigami

  1. Nobody's built what I/m trying to make. Again, another example of someone tripping over their dick to insult someone instead of just shutting the fuck up if you don't have anything to offer. Do you know how to do this? Would you like to get paid to do this if you know how?
  2. I've reached out many times through email, their twitter feed, even a university programmer who has this site: https://daviddalpiaz.org/posts/nfl-scorigami/ I figured I didn't want to post here but figured I'd give it a shot anyway that someone would have the experience and expertise and be willing to say, "Hey, that could work. I'll go in with you," or "Hey, that won't work but I'll at least take your money." Sadly, people are tripping over their dicks trying to insult me (and making themselves look like douchebags) instead of taking five minutes to see how this differs from the existing college site (whose author I have also contacted to no avail) or sit quietly while people who CAN offer assistance chime in.
  3. Guess who else didn't bother to look at my project vs. what exists. So all of those words make you look like just as much of a dick as the people posting memes with much less effort.
  4. I'd be happy to pay. Do you know anyone who'd be able to do this?
  5. WTF is wrong with you people? Did you even look at the project I'm putting together to see the differences? Or do you just derive some sick pleasure from putting a knee-jerk response on social media to make yourself look like an ignorant prick?
  6. It's not broken down by teams, though. It's not broken down within teams by wins and losses. Is that enough or can I offer you another can of shut the fuck up?
  7. ^ Basically I'd like to do this, but for college teams. https://nflscorigami.com/
  8. If I could answer your question (now that I know it's a serious one) I wouldn't have to crowdsource assistance, eh? If you have the skillz to help me/want to take part ownership/want to quote me a price to do it I will be happy to collaborate. Shoot me a message. Thanks.
  9. Interesting... I didn't ask for a roll call of people who weren't interested in helping. I guess some people have trouble reading basic English.
  10. This is something I've been kicking around this fall. Obviously the inspiration is NFL Scorigami (at NFLScorigami.com). If anyone's interested in helping take ownership of it via knowledge of databases to expedite grid creation and/or creating a host website to take it out of the Google realm, I'd love to connect. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rUy7nKQLdyk9bRui63mjnT-rS2pzySQ3Q_yV5NbZ7wQ/edit?tab=t.0
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