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Everything posted by JBJ

  1. All those negs came when they were struggling against Sam Houston. Better to let the dude vent here than kick his dog.
  2. 30 different defenders logged a first half snap. That's some considerable depth.
  3. I see bullshit and I call bullshit. Nothing more. I think the move is good for SMU and the ACC is potentially an overall better conference if they can keep the band together. I do think the B12 is more stable for now. But I'm not sure how Kansas feels about that and things can change quickly. And I'm not even sure who the #2 media brand in the Big 12 is behind them, which is kind if a scary thought when media contracts come back around.
  4. It's been about 3 years since I've been to TCU and more like 5 years for SMU, but this statement is hilariously wrong. Are you comparing UP to south FtW, or campus to campus?
  5. Well. I would go do a wellness check on @Buzzrock, but he's gotta be numb to this by now.
  6. Yeah. They've been the better team once they started running the ball, but Louisville hanging on.
  7. I was thinking 2021. They lost to TCU and OSU and then beat OSU in the rematch. But you are right they only.lost to WVU in that one bizarre year, so I guess it did happen.
  8. Why do people still argue this? No 1-loss champion has ever been left out.
  9. 21-pt comebacks in the 4Q are maybe 1-2 per season. You have basically 3 good possessions each team in the 4Q with maybe a 4th panic-mode possession, and a good enough running team can take one of those away. So it takes perfect play or multiple big plays (turnover/onsides/ST score) to pull off.
  10. Yeah. Equal revenue sharing has actually made things worse for the majority of mid teams. They've gone from getting a decent baseline with the option for more money that was somewhat controllable by being good and scheduling good matchups, to being separated from the largest money pools altogether.
  11. His thesis was titled "Using outrage to spread your footprint and generate 'hate' clicks." So he's doing what he knows and loves.
  12. I think it is better than most midfields, but even if you don't it is still one extra conference game, a CCG against #2, and Bama OOC.
  13. This is a weird take. I'd trade schedules with just about any other team in the nation besides Minnesota.
  14. The ref on the field has never reviewed plays in college.
  15. It's been a few years but there's even a standing bar and some loungers in the lobby. However, it is not really a full setup inside - just enough to cool off without feeling unwelcome.
  16. Texas 45 Rice 10 Ewers 250 --- I think we burn clock most of the second half, but I also could see us accidentally scoring 60+.
  17. I like how we've gone from: "Collins played a couple of snaps at end, not sure in what context." To: "Collins must be able to generate pressure off the edge or we are doomed."
  18. Good list. I agree on the top 4. Not sure I'd call tOSU a pretender, but I do expect this to be Michigan's year. I do think Penn St along with Tennessee are worth mentioning. I'm glad someone else realizes KSU is a team this year. My vote in the PAC is Utah.
  19. PAC somehow got outmanuevered by Yormach. It's funny to think that 10 years ago PAC was thought to be the future conference of the remaining relevant B12 schools. Somewhere between Baylor being too Christian, LHN being too profitable, and the backdooring with Colorado; PAC decided suicide was the better option.
  20. There is so much irony in all these millenials trying to convince people that trap and mumble are still cool.
  21. This line of thinking 30 years ago would have gotten us Snow belting out "a licky boom boom down" over the crowd. Arena rock was already old when it started getting played in arenas and stadiums. It has nothing to do with being the new thing.
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