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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. On 8/5/2024 at 11:02 PM, YGIFS said:

    Never thought about  it but an adult male 29”wheel/rim  with fully inflated tube and tire probably weighs close to ten pounds.  You hurl it correctly and on consistent axis, at somebody’s head…I guess that can do some real fucking damage.  

    1. no

    2. how much does inflation (=adding air) add to the weight?

    3. if its inflated, it has cushioning. thats the whole point of a pneumatic tire.

  2. 15 hours ago, Jerry Callo said:

    I still like the idea of putting one normal person in every single Olympic event to show how difficult the events are and the talent of the athletes.  And hilarious.  


    • Hook 'Em 3
  3. 22 minutes ago, royiv said:

    Get ready to lose your ass. Providing proper mental health care in an inpatient setting is incredibly expensive and resource heavy. That’s part of the reason it’s so shitty in this country. We treat it like a profit center for an acute episode rather than treating the patient properly and recognizing the long term benefits to society of good mental health.

    if $20k/wk is threshold for acceptable care while still not-profit-yielding... whos gonna bear that cost

  4. 3 hours ago, Chet Steadman said:

    I love OddLots but when McGellicott speaks I’m not even certain half the words he’s using are in English.  

    Hes one of the worst in a finance niche thats already known for deliberate obfuscation by jargon. 

    “We observed the skew kept staying bid” . You mean you saw high demand for put options. 

    “There was a persistent positive spot-vol correlation”. You mean options prices got more expensive as the stock prices went higher….

    Utter pretense

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  5. everybody recognizes ryanair as a dirt-cheap bargain-basement airline... but its still hilarious how their investor material reflects that reputation.

    their earnings slides are formatted informally with random bulletpoint styles exactly like a low-level deck in corporate america.

    the earnings letter has a finance table that looks like an raw working excel book thats never meant to be shown to management of any level




  6. Was reading about this sculpture of the 2000 year old chinese terracotta army where the detailed musculature proved one of the earliest 'understanding' of anatomy.  you read similar things in art history where the perspective-correct paintings of the renaissance, compared to flat crude paintings of medieval period, proves the sudden understanding of geometry and such. 

    That strikes us as weird, no? 2000, 3000, 4000 years ago, we all understand anatomic and geometric realism... because it literally is there in real life observable with our own eyes. Maybe you didnt make sculptures or paintings that reflected that because you didnt have the time, skill, or that style of work  wasnt in demand or in fashion.  But its not possible that an adult at that time can look at a Venus of Willendorf type sculpture and think 'this truly mimic the human body in an anatomical sense'.  Obviously not.



  7. On 8/4/2024 at 7:03 AM, Superhero said:

    Andor says hello. 

    Too young to have watched the original SW movies in theater, so missing all the cultural and time context... but apples vs oranges, Andor the series is better than any SW movie/product.

  8. 18 hours ago, Ojo Rojo said:

    NSIAP - This guy's backstory is funny too.  He got into shooting after a bitter divorce.  (Major red flag, if you ask me.)  Supposedly, during the medal ceremony he said, "Ex Wife, if you are watching this, I want me dog back."  Dude is bitter AF if true.  Not sure getting into shooting is the most constructive way to blow off that steam, but he hasn't killed her yet.

    That guy's name? John Wick.

  9. 56 minutes ago, UTGrad98 said:

    Someone please explain. What Im not understanding is how the VIX could get to 65 today and close at 38, something it hasnt done since 2020 pandemic and before that times like the dot com bust and great recession. It doesnt make any sense.

    VIX can fluctuate more wildly than equities because its a virtual calculation based on a basket of options (of SPX with ~30d expiry) thats much lower in volume and liquidity than underlying stocks. And especially the high print of 65+ today was during pre/early trading sessions, so its deriving options prices from an even thinner market.

    Once the equities market started to stabilize, the crazy premium for those SPX options eroded.  Open options contracts could be sold-to-close and erased from market entirely.  Unlike stocks theres no bottom to the price (such as equity book value) or ceiling to the price (some quasi realistic future cash flow prediction), so the SPX options prices could be all over the place, and hence the derived VIX values all over the place.

    FWIW VIX 38 implies SPX daily move of 2.4% so its far from a quiet market.

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  10. 27 minutes ago, Mother mopar said:
    31 minutes ago, Margin call said:
    Looks like we’ve bottomed. 

    Anybody who listens that to that asshat blowhard deserves what they get. Such a fraud.

    hes very useful.  hes even more reliably-inverse than scott galloway

  11. 31 minutes ago, hornmpa96 said:

    Which are the strong companies getting trashed today?

    All of them. Lol.

    Old economy is looking nice.

    Altria prints a fat fucking net margin at a 4x revenue multiple. Coke does a steady 25% margin against steady growth at 6x valuation. 

    Both at a slight discount today. 


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