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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. On 6/29/2024 at 4:13 PM, field said:

    Loved Siena.  We were there when the Tartuca (tortoise) contrade was doing its parade around the city center and toured the Civetta (little owl) contrada's museum.  I find the whole contrada thing strangely fascinating.  If you want a good laugh, check out the video of the Palio race from last August.  So uniquely Siena.

    August 2023 Palio     

    We’re team Nicchio, rivals of Tartuca.

    One of the oldest, noble contradas, but haven’t won shit this century. 

    Go scallops !

  2. most consider the southern half of the loop more sightseeing dense, but really its all equally nice, and honestly if you miss 2 or 3 waterfalls or glaciers after seeing 2 or 3 other ones, it aint gonna kill ya.

    i would say, if you do a google search for "filming location iceland", you could use that as a destination list, which will often repeat some really common sites appearing in anything from prometheus to batman begins to interstellar to game of thrones.

    my personal favorite was taking a dip in the fissure of the continental crack. https://www.dive.is/diving-snorkeling-tours/snorkeling-day-tours/silfra-snorkeling-day-tour


    btw the band Sigur Ros did a project where they play background music to hours of footage of simply circling the ring road. gives you a glimpse of what it looks like on the road.




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  3. On 7/17/2024 at 6:07 PM, utee94 said:

    And just my personal opinion, I loathe ALL of those humpy hunchy small SUV or crossovers or whatever you want to call them, type of vehicles.  I don't care if they're track monsters or super fast or super elegant or whatever, they just look terrible.

    The typical owner of these vehicles have, on average, 2 DUIs

    • Haha 1
  4. On 7/22/2024 at 12:13 PM, elfenix said:

    Now that Nissan is killing the Altima, what will be the car of choice for the worst drivers on the road? Rogue has a leg up but Model Y seems like a dark horse.

    Chrysler 300

  5. 5 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    You obviously understand this, but fatty looks out for NOBODY but himself.  Mapping citizen-like expectations to corporations means, to him, that corporations should be able to act in the most self-centered manner possible.


    5 hours ago, jimmyjazz said:

    That said, I'm only barely interested in any of this and I have a bunch of shit to do, so you win, no price-gouging, everything was on the up and up and none of y'all are sucking corporate dick.  Have a great week, I'm gonna work on our product and product launch (which happened months ago but seems to be a never-ending process).

    You lamented very recently about being underpaid as a senior/experienced employee, relative to unskilled young employees.

    So is it that the penile-fountainhead corporations are throwing away all of the incremental value they could extract from you, because all of their ivy league whiz kid managers don’t know any better?

    Or do you overestimate your own potential, but are seeking more pay because you are a greedy individual. And if so, is that wrong for you to do?

    Pls respond. 

  6. 14 hours ago, Hard Times said:

    1000 ICE fires release less poisonous toxins than 1 EV fire, including cyanide. And there's no way Houston will be able to power 5 million EV's in the next 25 years.

    How will these goshdarned horseless carriages ever take off. We wont have enough fuel or even fueling stations for them. 


    How will the world ever generate power satisfying societys demand? Never been done before. 


    • Hook 'Em 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Horns99 said:

    Didn’t we already go thru this above… production over 100, storage going to be over / close to 4… weather sucks

    He thinks fundamentals means being able to predict the price of a future contract, wherein there are more involvement from financial institutions (participating in speculation/financialization) than there are from the actual producers of the physical product.

  8. On 7/14/2024 at 1:17 PM, Hard Times said:

    Maybe, but the toxins in Lithium Ion batteries certainly isn't.  And the toxins released into the air when they burn is devastating to the environment. Along with it taking over 50x as much water to put it out as a conventional fire.

    EV Batteries’ Chemical Risks to US Workers Rising as Plants Grow (bloomberglaw.com)

    United Firefighters Union Australia warns governments to address lithium-ion battery fire risks during electric vehicle crashes - ABC News

    "Lithium-ion battery fires release toxins such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen fluoride and cobalt."

    I'm an environmentalist. I care deeply about what this is doing to our environment. I can't believe other environmentalists aren't all over it. Not to mention Li is being mined by slave labor in abhorrible conditions in 3rd world countries.

    What are the odds that environmentalists get basic actual facts wrong?

    Lithium is extracted from brines in Chile in hands-off operation, or in open pits in Australia.

    Sweden: Electric car have 25x less incidence of fire https://www.msb.se/sv/aktuellt/nyheter/2023/maj/brander-i-eltransportmedel-under-2022

    IIHS: Electric cars lowest risk of non-crash fire loss https://www.iihs.org/media/c93b98d8-6a7d-44a1-810e-4468ec539e05/uIu4tg/HLDI Research/Fire losses/HLDI_FireLosses_1218.pdf




    On 7/14/2024 at 2:33 PM, Hard Times said:

    And Tesla is using Li from countries that put their people in horrific conditions. And don't know how people support Musk and what Tesla is doing.


    While I certainly agree greenhouse gases need to be eliminated, I don't know how coal burning electric powerplants used to charge EV's are doing that. There are a whole lot of things that have to happen before EV's make environmental sense, including SMR's or other safe energy sources, and we are far from being there. AT THIS POINT IN TIME, hybrids make sense. EV's do not, until battery and other technologies advance. Centerpoint can't keep Houston powered, how are going to power EV's?

    Are those horrific countries Chile, Australia, or Tesla's own lithium refining operation starting up in Texas?

    Coal burning electric powerplants charging EVs are eliminating greenhouse gases, because the lifetime emissions of electric vehicle -- INCLUDING its production -- is lower than of combustion vehicles, "AT THIS POINT IN TIME", INCLUSIVE of coal as a power source.  And will be even net cleaner as coal is being reduced a power source. 

    Have you bothered to read, perhaps, the governments assessment: https://afdc.energy.gov/vehicles/electric-emissions https://greet.anl.gov/publication-c2g_lca_us_ldv https://afdc.energy.gov/files/u/publication/ev_emissions_impact.pdf

    "Centerpoint can't keep Houston powered"..... you mean during this natural disaster, when there are also fuel shortages? https://abc13.com/post/hurricane-beryl-recovery-long-lines-gas-groceries-kroger-heb-open/15047040/



    Residents can also power their EVs with domestic solar power.  Do you perhaps have your own coal burning plant and hydrocarbon refinery in your house?


    • Hook 'Em 3
  9. On 7/13/2024 at 11:44 PM, fattyflattie said:

    Long term damage?   Define long term. Which of these businesses do you believe will fail in the next 15 years?   We’re a few more gaffes away from a sudden rate drop. Do you think these prices will continue to dwindle when money is free again?

    It's funny hearing the crickets because we all know these people have no substantive answers.

    Their perspective is a shallow, emotive, moralizing one, where the extent of their thinking doesn't go past identifying something they *feel* is "bad".  That's all there is to it. That's why they never get anything done.  Which is why their group is sleeping in tents on the lawn of the business district, protesting the other group that's inside the building doing actual work.

  10. On 7/12/2024 at 3:57 PM, jimmyjazz said:

    It's almost as if you think economics and pricing theory are hard sciences.  LMAO.  

    Then why do you have such trouble understanding it?

    We appoint you emperor of earth.  You are the global moral arbiter and its sole legislature.  How much profit are fast food companies permitted to earn?  What is the law you would write to regulate against its "gouging" (probably involves defining objectively what gouging is).  Go.  We're listening.

    • Haha 1
  11. Batteries don't like extreme high or low state of charge.  Favored resting SOC is at half-capacity or below.

    On important devices with software control - laptops, phones - enable a 80% cap for regular use.  That way, it doesn't matter if you leave it plugged in. 

    On other stuff like power tool batteries, after a use, if it's not around empty, just let it sit. Don't feel like you have to keep it always topped off and ready.

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