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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. 1 hour ago, Underdog said:

    How has there never been a chain started by offering the pizza from our school days...  fucking gold mine imo. 


    I wonder if that was a Sysco foods things.

    We had these in California.  Absolutely disgusting


  2. Should he have had more?


    Pre-TV fame he had only a been a chef or maybe part owner of some middling restaurant in the most expensive city in America...

    I couldve imagine he had 0 NW, if not in debt.  Then a divorce that couldve eaten away most of the book earnings.  

    So he had a bit over 10 years to build his wealth.  Is being a (non Oprah/evening news) TV personality that lucrative?

  3. 3 hours ago, JOSEYWALES66 said:

    ATT is currently yielding >6% and the management is committed to not cutting the dividend.

    Just a thought.



    meanwhile the stock itself drops in value, and trails indices by way more than 6%.  so theyve got that going for them, which is nice.

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  4. 1 minute ago, achooloco said:

    i got a couple but i'll start with europe first. traveling to rome on the low class ticket on one of their general trains in 2006 with a high school friend.  We end up being the only two in there, lock the door, fall asleep, then I had a wierd dream of seeing someone stand over me telling me "to go back to sleep".  Woke up in rome and ipod gone. fuck.  A few days later i'm alone and on the way to prague or budapest, again lock the door but know that it isn't foolproof, slept with the stuff under me/slightly more secure and again see someone in the cabin over me and I wake up right away.  It is a skinny dude about my height, he practically runs out of the cabin, it is like 2ish/3ish in the morning, and everyone on the train is assed out.  The skinny guy who had been trying to rob me goes one direction, and in the other direction at the end of the cab is a stockier, taller doofus looking guy.  I think to get his attention by waving my hands and yelling but he just kind of turns away/ignores me. It doesn't click to me that they're in cahoots. Skinny guy disappears into a cabin or out the end of the rail car, not sure so i go and try to make noise but i guess not enough.  I'm banging on the cabin doors next to me, most people don't but some people look out of their little windows and all they see is a short brown person with crazy hair hollering in english, lord knows what language they all spoke.  No one comes out of their cars.  So I'm alone, in a pitiful attempt to wake other passengers up when the skinny guy comes back, says something in some rando language that I don't understand but his gestures get the point across i should shut up.  I don't, and am still trying to wake the people in the cabins next to me when he goes behind me towards his stocky friend at the other end of the rail car. 

    Do pickpockets want to deal with a dead body? probably not but still stupid to let the guy go behind me and not face him as he walked by. I was 25 and should have known better, just stupid and half asleep on my part. The two dudes get together, I stay near my cars and and am still trying to get others up but not going into my cabin. The skinny guy again gestures for me to go back in, I don't and decide to stay in the hallway until ..well not sure until what.  Finally the train slows down, i see a conductor come by, and the dudes jump off the train before they can be found. When we get to our destination, lots of other people had shit jacked, mostly money and jewels. I said "yeah, i was banging on all y'alls doors, no one woke up." for a second i think they looked at me suspiciously but fuck'em. I tried even if not a great try, so oh well.

    .... the aristocrats!!!

  5. 50 minutes ago, Aphelion said:

    I struck out the meaningless ranting and will address the only few points that are addressable.  

    The reason why I focus on the mathematics is because if you were able to develop the model at all, you would find that your concepts are not able to describe reality.  The mathematics already exists to develop the field equations to model your concepts and if you were proficient in the basic mathematics that physicists learn, then you could develop your own field equations with not much effort.  What you would find if you were able to do this exercise is that your concepts cannot be made to give an accurate model of reality.  Instead of mathematics you give walls of conceptual text and claim that making your ideas actually work is a matter of accounting.  Since you cannot do the math and you regard mathematics as trifling details you are never forced to face the reality that your ideas don't work.

    In addition to the above, your paper is loaded with very crude math errors.  For example, you claim to get equation 4 by taking the derivative of energy equation and multiplying by 2.  But d/dL of (—hcπ^3/11520L) multiplied by 2 is not —hcπ^3/5760L^2 as you show.  It is hcπ^3/5760L^2 (the negative drops off).  Since L is in the denominator it is the same as L^-1.  d/dL of -L^-1 is L^-2 (not -L^-2).  

    I did not claim that it was strange to compute Coulomb forces by center points.  I said that your method of stating & charting by one distance (distance between charge radius) and then calculating by another distance (center point distance) is very strange, to put it mildly.  For example, you state in the paper and list on your chart that at 1 fm distance the Coulomb force between two protons is 33 N.  Since you mention freshman physics texts, if you were to reference any that gives the calc for the Coulomb force between two protons at 1 fm, it will show 230 N (some examples for you: book 1, book 2, book 3, book 4).  Now refer me to a single physics book that states that the Coulomb force between two protons at 1 fm is 33 N as you did in your paper.  Even if we use your bizarre method of stating 1 fm but really meaning 1 + 1.755  fm, I get 30 N and not 33 N as you show.  

    While we are on the topic of freshman physics books, I think it is odd for you to refer to them since you believe they are full of lies.  For example, all introduction to mechanics books are filled with the "lie" (according to you) that angular momentum explains precession.  So why would you refer me to books for validation that you believe are filled with lies?   

    You sound like a shit and your fags all retarded

    • Haha 2
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