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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. 2 hours ago, drifter379 said:

    What the fuck was that shit??
    Did they have it planned for Stipe to call out Brock if he had won?
    When is the contract with USADA over? Last time Brock fought they gave him a steroid exemption.
    What a fucking clown show. I'm all for super fights but this is the wrong way to go about it.

    completely planned.  brock got off his cycle because he was preparing for a superfight anyway with jon jones.  dana/ufc sanctioned that shit.

    i hate brock the wwe character.  i hate brock the athlete (for the drogs).  i actually like brock the person because outside of a few promo pieces like that ring stunts, he keeps it very real.  

    that said, its embarassing that DC built his half his platform on the jon jones drama, comes off a MONUMENTAL victory, and immediately plays into this charade.


    i wouldnt mind him getting this payday then retiring... but atleast give it a week or 2 after you just dethroned the most successful HW of all time

  2. I did the blade.  The longest and tensest phase of the surgery was cutting the flap.  I think the surgeon had to rerun it a few rimes.

    There was no pain.  It was a mild pressure, kinda like getting a Novocaine injection at the dentist where you feel pressure on your guns but not the pinch of the needle. 

    The laser definitely made a zapping sound but I didn't smell anything.


    I did the procedure solo.  When it was done, I walked across the street to eat lunch at the mall.  Vision was hazy kinda like sitting in a sauna.

    Forgot whether I taxi'ed or bussed back home.

    Next morning vision was slightly blurry and by lunchtime it was 20/25-30 and has been that way ever since.


    I'd like to see someone do the procedure under 🍄 mushrokm

  3. On 7/6/2018 at 3:39 PM, Snacks said:

    Are we talking a real Straight Draw out of a passing look (where OL shows pass block) or are we talking Inverted Veer Read Option which isn't really a draw, but uses the QB as the keep/dive if the DE flattens out to hold the edge against a ride to the RB off the edge?



  4. 10 minutes ago, CoTex said:

    Anyone know anything above diving bells or habitats?  Can you take the parts in and build a habitat in place for them?  


    how does monsoon work?  Is it even a guarantee that this cave drains out in 3 months?  What about a wet year?  Maybe it doesn’t drain?

    See the graphic.  There are places where you can't even dice through with a scuba tank...so diving Bell or large equipment is completely out of the question.  

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Go Pokes said:

    I deleted the final episode with about 30 minutes remaining.  I don't think I've ever done that, but this was such a beating.  Fucking terrible.  

    You missed all the good narrated exposition

  6. this story



    Four men face charges over images on social media showing them going off trail in fragile area of park, after earlier wake-boarding incident at Bonneville Salt Flats


    Well... 3 of them were swimming in a pool above a waterfall... slipped... and now they ded





    If you feel bad about it, you can donate towards the 100k goal on their gofundme page




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