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Posts posted by 52-80


    5 minutes ago, PittsburghTiger said:

    I'd very much like to attend this Austrian Grand Prix. The location is just gorgeous.

    Styria (where the GP is based) is what i always thought the UK would be.... just nonstop rolling green hills.  its dope.

  2. On 6/25/2018 at 4:30 AM, NeverMarryAStripper said:

    I’ve run two sets of Hankooks in my car and been very happy with them while getting almost 80,000 miles on each set. I let them talk me into Michelins and now with slightly more than 30,000 miles I need to replace them.

    It's almost like more compliant, softer, grippier rubber compounds wear quicker

  3. 25 minutes ago, Homercles said:

    I’m fine with the clock running during breaks, even if the ref sorta makes up how long stoppage should be at the end of a half...but the ‘ref arbitrarily defines when the game ends’ removes the opportunity for clear buzzer beaters like in basketball, although it certainly removes a situation where the last 15s of game clock can take 20m of real time.


    The thing is the final score is very representative of the strength of the game so its rarely contested.  I dont ever remember a controversy over the final whistle being blown too soon, or too late, since the chance of a game-swinging flash goal is so astronomically low.  

    Its not so much the extension of gametime in basketball that feels annoying, its that a 10-point swing can be manufactured in 60 seconds.... which that feels completely unnatural relative to, and almost invalidates, the other 47 minutes of the game.  

    Football atleast strikes a better balance with a live clock on running plays.

  4. 1 minute ago, Homercles said:

    The ambiguous time management of soccer is so infuriating compared to the ‘to the second’ procedures of American football.

    Keeps the game relatively smooth.  It's a battle of momentum that waxes and wanes.  Fuck the millisecond management of basketball and A.Football

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  5. 2 hours ago, crash_davis said:

    this probably belongs in the suicide/depression thread but maybe there's a reason white people commit more suicides.  white people have all kinds of self induced angst and shit.  this is another example.  getting all riled up about shit that won't matter one fucking bit when he gets off the train/subway.  does this motherfucker scream at everyone exceeding the speed limit when he's driving?






    suicide is racist.

  6. 1 hour ago, lateshow said:

    I haven't started season 2 yet. But am I to believe that this show has turned to shit? If so, I'm bailing before I even start s2. 

    trying to make sense of S2 plot like...



    • Like 4
  7. The show has its moments, and showed immense potential like in S04 when they kept the narrative tight and focused.  

    Then they got too clever and went (memento^matrix) on everyone, with silly goosechases like that entirely wasteful samurai world bullshit.  


  8. While we were on vacation, the girl spend time with my inlaws in the countryside... running around a big ass yard and whatnot.

    One day, she started really favoring one side of her head.  She was standing, walking, and running with her head crooked.  She didnt paw at her ear or whine, but something was clearly wrong.  Inlaws took it to the local vet and that small-town bumpkin ass motherfucker said "ahh theres nothing wrong its just a dog being a dog"


    Well, we got back and took it to our regular vet.  It took all of 2 seconds with an otoscope into the ear to find out 4 of these goddamn foxtail needles had worked themselves deep in there, even puncturing her eardrums.

    She was sedated so the bloody (literally bloody) things could be tweezed out.  She acted all funny for the next 2 days, barely eating and drinking, but now shes back to her yippy happy self...  fuck that other dumbshit vet tho.



  9. Anyone run a Tacoma 2x cab?  Probably gonna get one for my pops, but have no idea what to look for or spec.  

    I can look at the trim sheet online between SR/TRD/LTD but which of these are actually worthwhile in actual use.  16" ? 17" ? 18"?

    He's not hauling a boat or trailer so will never exceed the payload.  I'm thinking short bed is adequate for the occasional home depot run.  Automatic for sure.  Probably whatever safety parking sensors and etc since dude is getting old and never owned a big ass truck.  Toyota infotainment don't look too good so maybe not worth to go for premium upgrade.  


    Basically it will be an on-road city card with occasional transport duties to work on house projects.


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