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Posts posted by 52-80

  1. Pet peeve....when she's writing a correspondence in english, filling a survey, whatever, she'll pester me endlessly to essentially dictate the whole thing.

    She's not a native speaker, and not yet completely fluent.  But she is unquestionably and unhesitatingly conversant.

    I don't mind an occasional question on spelling, or grammar, but the whole point is, if you want to express something....write it exactly as you would say it in person (and you know exactly how to say it).  It's your opinion and your voice in your email...dont turn it into mine.


    And of course when I tell her how I would write it, she completely shuts it down.

    • Like 1
  2. Food is good everywhere in Spain.  Bilbao and San Sebastian especially.  It does not make sense to visit one, and not the other, since they are neighbors.  I actually prefer Bilbao - interesting architecture, including the Goog. 


    Don't really care about Madrid.  Nothing wrong with it, but if you want something that represents the slow Spanish/Lifestyle of lounging and eating, you can experience that anywhere and remove the big city from that equation.


    Never heard my Catalan colleagues refer to it as Barca.  That might be a referenced only to the sporting club.

  3. 7 hours ago, Surly Bevo said:

    In a true doomsday scenario (complete social order breakdown caused by some huge disaster, zombie apocalypse, whatever) gold is pretty much worthless given you can't drink it, eat it, live in it, defend yourself with it, or cure illness/disease with it.  


    Now the motherfucker sitting on a shitload of clean water....eerbody is gonna want to kill his ass.

    O yeah?  What if I got a 24k pistol?

  4. We're in our last few days in Africa.  She came down with the mud-butt.  Butt she's breaking down crying in hysteria like she's caught the smallpox. 


    I told it's common, typical - hotel told her the same - and that I've had it much worse before.  Honestly I've probably wiped my butthole raw in Bolivia.  Told her to just drink lots of fluids, and just let the body shit itself out.


    Anyway, now we're at the local hospital and what does the doc say?  Oh yeah, you got the common diarrhea but there's nothing else (amoebas, fever, etc). We'll just give you an IV to rehydrate and you're on your way.


    Can we stop it with the psychosomatic paranoia now?

  5. On 6/6/2018 at 2:31 AM, BearCountry11 said:

    This hits close to home.  Or when I’m about to close my eyes to go to sleep that is the perfect time to plan our trip in 4 months.  

    Worse....the perfect time to plan our trip for which we've already got airfare is....never.  


    And then when something unpleasant occurs during the trip "it's your fault this is your trip you planned it without me blah blah blah"

    • Like 1
  6. Your shirt goes under your jacket.  Your nipples shouldn't be showing.  


    If you remove your jacket, and the outline of your undershirt is showing, that's just as embarrassing.


    I bought this white shirt for summer, in an ultra open grenadine/giro inglese weave.  It's not quite fishnet, but it'll almost show everything.  Meant to stay under a jacket only.  Or in a dim room.


  7. On 6/14/2018 at 10:59 PM, BabaYaga said:

    This thread is great.  That Seiko is really clean.  As is that Citizen Solar.  What about digital?  Specifically Sunnto Core and Garmin Fenix?  Anyone use them?  Battery issues?

    why do you want the suunto - for style, or for function?

    suunto has slightly more accurate Altim Barom Compass (ABC) modules than casio gshock.  for everything else, gshocks kicks the shit out of it - durability, features, build, etc.  solar powered, so no battery issues.


    garmin fenix isnt really a watch, more like a wrist mounted fitness computer.  one wouldnt really kept it worn all the time

  8. 14 minutes ago, Beau Vine said:

    Fun fact: It was actually a draft pick trade, but if you count the people who were drafted, Winslow was once traded for UT Roy Williams and Teddy Lehmann.


    If you don't think that's fun, here's a pic of his wife:


    Discount Vin Diesel

  9. 5 hours ago, 'stache said:

    All good advice, thanks. I’m going to add some core training because I need to improve my overall strength and shed about 8 pounds, but it’s heartening to know that practice will help climb hills. I plan to do one big ride a week. Signed up for another fondo in August.


    If you can, squeeze a quick and efficient hard training effort in the middle of the week.  Or get any cheap turbo trainer to do it at home.  Even 30-45 minutes will do.  


    Cuz if you ride long, but not hard, once a week, it actually won't do much.  


    I did just the casual weekend group ride 1 season, and did the ad hoc training regime the next, and the difference is dramatic.

  10. 17 minutes ago, Spankytoes said:

    I have a FB friend that posts pics lifting his "You should be here" banner every time he goes to Guatemala or Mexico. So I tagged him with #YSBH from a McDonalds for 2 straight weeks from different towns in Australia and New Zealand. I don't think he got the point. Don't MLM for these shitty travel membership clubs. Spend a solid hour researching and get 10X the vacation for 25% of the cost.

    Travel bloggers creep me out. Yes, you get to see a lot of countries that not many people have interest in because they are cheap. Perhaps that makes you more culturally in tune than those of us that travel for vacation from time to time and don't eat grasshoppers to feel enlightened. But, like the tramp stamp tattoo you got when you were 22 with a tight body, the chickens will come home to roost when you're older. 

    What does this have to do with anything

  11. Somehow sometime ago I stumbled on a website of an independent mattress maker, somewhere in Wisconsin or such (apparently the Mattress Belt), making tradition-style individually-pocketed coiled-spring mattress, using 100% natural materials, and almost all hand construction

    And the price wasn't extravagant.  

    Never did find that website again.  And the closest approximation is a Haestens that cost somewhere between a Buick to a BMW in price.

    Crazy to read about people touting refund and warranty policies and such.  Who can be bothered with that?  Last time I moved, I just bought the most expensive firm spring mattress they sold at Ikea.  It's meh.  We're moving again and going to another retailer, buying a similar style (firm, sprung) but atleast buying from a local/regional/national manufacturer.

  12. 10 hours ago, hookem2010 said:

    Then just walk outside your front door and enjoy concrete as far as the eye can see. Or look out a plane window and realize how few unbroken pieces of wilderness remain. Or try to go for a hike and be unable to escape trash, regardless of how far from civilization you are. The fact that people can be unconcerned about the effect 7 billion of us can have on the place we live is so odd to me. Even if you don't personally give a shit about nature or the environment, I would think you would want to leave something worthwhile for those who are going to be here after us. Things have already changed significantly during my lifetime, I can't imagine what it will be like a couple generations from now.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    A couple of generations from now, I offer the Earth my rotting, decomposing corpse as restitution.

  13. 14 hours ago, UTCzech III said:

    Won't go into the whole backstory (fir for my family is a shit-show thread), in a nutshell:

    Wife's dad died in 1992, no will, so property went to his estate, fun by my wife's mom.  Mom lived in house with my wife's 2 brothers, they lived like hermits, hoarders, house deteriorated, yadda yadda.

    Wife's mom died 6 years ago, again no will, so house is still owned by estate, still run down, since brothers live like hermits and don't even see the sun and eat shit junk food and cokes, younger brother passed out 5 weeks ago and has been in ICU with total kidney failure and pancreatitis.  Older brother is freaking out at medical bills, etc. said if it comes down to it he will just abandon house and allow county/whoever to foreclose on it.  To which I say, the fuck you will.  1/3 of that belongs to my wife, shitty as the house is, the land itself is still worth 30-40 thousand.  So as simply as possible, can someone please explain how to transfer the house/land from an estate to my wife & her brothers, where it would at least be a lot easier if they wanted to sell it?  We talked to an attorney a couple of years ago, he said it would cost about ten thousand for all the p/work and fees.  Trying to see if he was right or just a shitty bloodsucking lawyer (present company excepted of course).

    Thanks, I'll hang up and listen.

    Spend 2k to get the kid hooked on black tar heroin.

    Wait a few weeks.  Profit.

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