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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Texas007

  1. #2 ('cause it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the numbering system) all the way with double cheese and add jalps
  2. Guy on the right is the only one who saw it coming... or is the lucky dumbass who didn't see the light change.
  3. This! I know how to determine ROW at any intersection, I'm just not going to wait forever for dumb fucks to figure it out.
  4. Nothing that can be heated in the microwave in 4 minutes should be this addictive
  5. Hi. That was Eric Stratton, rush chairman, and he was damn glad to meet you.
  6. There are several shots of them next to, talking with or getting into trucks so this makes sense.
  7. LOL... The European countryside is apparently littered with women of the night walking around during the day. I found one by accident and the more I searched the more I found. Then I discovered a website had already found them all and it lost it's excitement (https://www.doxyspotting.com)
  8. It was a rough place. The seediest dive on the wharf. Populated with every reject and cutthroat from Bombay to Calcutta. It's worse than Detroit.
  9. Map talk not going away... I enjoy searching for Euro Street Walkers on Google (i.e.https://www.google.com/maps/@45.3439413,9.2696566,3a,89.1y,328.04h,77.14t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3SrlrV54NhN0E9MJmu0zpg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en&authuser=0)
  10. Happy Birthday to the GOAT!
  11. Q: What did the triangle say to the circle? A: You're pointless
  12. Fuck you Alex Trebek The real James Bond leaning on his gunmetal grey Aston Martin DB5 in the Swiss Alps (scene where car chase in Goldfinger is filmed).
  13. The dead only know one thing. It is better to be alive.
  14. Adelbert's quad & tripel are both on point. I believe it's only available in the big bottle (750ml)
  15. They fucking suck That is all.
  16. I bet the search function sucks ass too
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