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Everything posted by UDontKnow

  1. Why would A. O'Neal ever be subbed out? She's a defensive beast like her old man. Speaking of Jermaine, he got that bling bling up in his ears.
  2. Maybe Skinner needs a bit of break? 13-13, time to panic!
  3. Didn't you post a photo of yourself in Toms shoes once?
  4. and less time being a big fat white guy wearing Toms?
  5. Tell her to tell her brother to commit to Texas football.
  6. Still plenty of time to get a bad feeling. This team puts on us a roller coaster in the postseason every year.
  7. That serve went right into the tape. Point Ohio State.
  8. It's like the team didn't learn from the set they dropped against Marquette. Also, no excuses for service errors. Just get the damn ball across the net.
  9. Vic Mackey inbound. He's sure to make her sing.
  10. When used in reference to Billy Liucci, the bolded terminology is 100% gay.
  11. True. Everyone in the medical field in Texas refers to the medical school in San Antonio as "UT-San Antonio".
  12. I mean if 1966 is recent, then yeah. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Texas_Health_Science_Center_at_San_Antonio
  13. I don't understand how Card (or anyone else for that matter) can get accepted to a top MBA program without having at least 3-5 years of real world experience. Are there exceptions for athletes? These days MBAs are a dime a dozen, so I would think the top MBA programs would be extra selective.
  14. Meh. Only if they're engaged former volleyball players then they are at risk.
  15. Imagine that. A Houston kid trying to portal out of Albuquerque.
  16. *Johnathon - put some respek on his name! https://texassports.com/sports/football/roster/jonathon-brooks/11454
  17. The Senior Bowl is a bit of a glorified exhibition. Instead, it's for senior prospects to get facetime with NFL coaches and scouts. So consider it an audition for RoJo or any other player that has been invited.
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