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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. not to mention that Mama Brown and Uncle Brown ran track and played basketball respectively at Texas.
  2. only season 6. i actually enjoyed it, even if it felt more like a spin-off than the same series.
  3. he had a falling out with basically everyone else involved, but he had a particularly nasty feud with Dan Harmon. Chevy was pissed that his character was so hated on the show, and wanted Pierce to be written differently. In reality they all really did hate having to work with him anyway, and the Harmon/Chase feud is really what ended the show. Apparently Harmon was (still is?) a raging alcoholic which didn't help matters.
  4. Dan Harmon got fired from his own show and it tanked. They brought him back in some capacity for S5, which was definitely better than S4, but they never were able to recapture the magic from the first three seasons. edit: lulz, watching right now and it's the KFC Space Simulator episode. such an average/typical episode for this series, and still so good.
  5. Basic Lupine Urology (Law & Order spoof) is another classic.
  6. Uh, duh doy. I've been taking part in it. What about that conversation means there can't be a separate thread dedicated to the show? oh that's right- there's about a thousand threads in this forum which get spawned from that thread/shows on Netflix, but when I start one of them people like you and Rex have to chime in and whine about it, which is
  7. Now that it's on Netflix it's getting a whole shit-ton of new viewers, and deservedly so. Amazing show for the first three seasons. Great characters, great writing, and some of the best singular episodes of sitcom TV i've ever seen. Also a whole bunch of great gags. Here's one of my favorites- "Notches"
  8. Parks > The Office Parks started with one six-episode season that wasn't very good, and ended with one season too many (should have ended with the Unity Concert) but between those two seasons had more than 100 episode of amazing TV, and what is imo the deepest/best lb-for-lb cast of sitcom characters this side of Seinfeld. Beyond the Ron/Leslie/Andy heavy hitters, it was the sheer number of Joan's, Perd's, Jamm's, Jean Ralphio's, Marcia/Marshall Langman's, and so on and so forth that made the show great. The Office at its best is unreal, and Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott are virtuoso comedic performances, but that show fell off HARD, and for a very long time, and it never recovered. The 50 best episodes of each of these shows could go blow-for-blow, but Parks would crush The Office when comparing the next 50 best episodes of each show. imo anyway.
  9. Here's a pretty major what-if that nobody ever talks about: What if the entire 2006 team didn't all decide to have their worst day ever against an LSU team that we would have beaten 9.5/10? Nobody ever talks about that game, but it's basically the hoops version of the Crabtree game in Lubbock and the NC game vs Bama in terms of just being an absolute gut-punch of a loss. I don't think we could've played any worse if we were trying to lose, and yet the game still went to OT. Let's check the box score: PJ Tucker, LaMarcus Aldridge, AJ Abrams, Brad Buckman, and Kenton Paulino combined to shoot 15-55 from the field. What the fuck. How is that even possible? Texas had one of the best front courts in the country and was 10th nationally 2P FG, yet somehow went 11-40 from inside the arc. I still remember LA just continuing to shoot one 16-18 FT fade away after another, clanging each one in agonizing succession. Also, we got beat by two guys. That LSU team was not anything special on the season, nor were they special on that day, save two guys- fucking Tyrus Thomas and Glen "Big Baby" Davis. Ugh. It's one thing if Steph Curry or JJ Redick shoots you out of the tournament, but it's another thing entirely when you get dommed in the Elite 8 by a guys who's essentially a tall decathlete, and his sidekick Rocksteady from the Ninja Turtles. These two jabronis couldn't replicate their success that day with 100 tries, and yet somehow their best day ever coincided with our worst day ever. I'm sick right now just thinking about it. Texas would have been in its second Final Four in four seasons, and we would have been playing against a UCLA team that we were far superior to talent wise, and who would have really had no chance to stop our front court: PJ Tucker, LaMarcus Aldridge, and a senior Brad Buckman against Ryan Hollins, Cedric Bozeman, and a freshman Luc-Richard Mbah a Moute. I think we would have killed them, and been in the national title game against a pretty unbelievable Florida team that was crushing everything in its path after having been poor in SEC play. How amazing would have been. I need to see Texas win a title just to get over that year. We should have been playing for it all in 2006. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Boobie left early that year too.
  11. You knew Mike Conley had this one in the bag.
  12. yeah Bill Cartwright is definitely dominating this guy: i also like how pointing out that he was best and most important player on what was essentially an all star team is somehow a knock against him. 🤦🏼‍♂️
  13. seasons 1-3 of Community are pretty unbelievable. Dan Harmon (Rick and Morty creator) is the fucking man. Too bad they fired him after S3. Remedial Chaos Theory, Basic Lupine Urology, the paintball episodes, Professor Chang, Dean Pelton, Annie's Boobs, Alison Brie's tits, and one super gay basketball team? this show has it all.
  14. nope, never knew that.
  15. according to sources with The Athletic, Donovan Mitchell refuses to forgive/repair his relationship with Rudy Gobert. the organization has apparently tried its best to salvage the relationship but Donovan isn't having it. many opinion- Mitchell is acting like a giant baby, and is super overrated as a player. unfortunately, there's almost no chance that he isn't way more popular in that locker room than Gobert is, which is a shame since Gobert actually is a very good and valuable player. have fun dealing with this mess Utah.
  16. so there you go. it was very un-Gilligan like (as i said multiple times) because he did not write the episode and isn't even know what was in store until he got the script. imagine that.
  17. NO CRITICISM AT ALL. whine more, Katy. i don't know how or when it happened, but this site is the polar opposite of shaggy. nobody is allowed to say anything that isn't effusive, glowing praise of a TV show without the entire thread throwing a childish fit about, "but he didn't like the same show as me!!!!! whaaaaa!" crying like a bunch of little kids who need everyone else to like the same shit they do. put me on ignore if you seriously can't handle it. lmao and now pilots error is on a neg spree. what a hypersensitive baby.
  18. and it's not like Timmy wasn't unreal from the jump. remember when Kobe was in his second year and he famously kept shooting air balls in clutch moments as his Lakers got beat? here's what Timmay was doing in his second year: TD 1999 NBA Finals stats: 27.4 pts, 14.0 reb, 2.2 blk, 2.4 ast, 2.8 OREB, shooting .537 from the field and .795 from the line. that's uh, pretty good. oh yeah, he then got better. TD 2003 NBA Finals stats: 24.2 pts, 17.0 reb, 5.3 ast, 5.3 blk, 3.8 OREB, 1.0 stl. good lord. last time I checked I don't think Kobe ever approached doing that in the Finals. also LMAO at Drew claiming that what Dirk did in the 2011 Finals is on par with all of ^^^^^ that.
  19. lol ok. i stated that he was merely fine in the Finals and you went apoplectic. "whenever derka takes an uncalled for run at Dirk." lol jesus. what the fuck are you even talking about dude. are you 11 or something? you are being hypersensitive and sensationalist over absolutely nothing. grow up. how many tens of thousands of posts have i made on the hoops forums of HF, shaggy, and surly? 50,000? 60,000? more? and how many of them have been critical of Dirk Nowitzki? like 7? and what's the worst thing that i ever said about him? that Luka is better at basketball than Dirk was? that Dirk was merely aight in the 2011 Finals? That he's a borderline top 20 all time player? That's it?! That's everything that's ever happened that has you going completely off the rails about some supposed history of me maliciously attacking Dirk out of nowhere? fuck out of here with this dramatic ass nonsense.
  20. i don't like to die on hills even 1/10 as much as i used to, but i will absolutely die on the hill that says i'm allowed to criticize a TV show when I don't like an episode, or a storyline, or a character arc. the way the fanboys come out in droves with the "oh yeah you're so much better than Vince Gilligan" and the "you must be miserable" replies is so fucking dumb. it's childish and dumb. if you disagree with my take, then counter it with your own take like an adult. but if that ^^^^ bullshit is going to come my direction from 10 sides every time i'm critical (*cough* GoT thread *cough*), then I'm only going to keep coming back to the thread to defend my right to be critical even more vociferously. i have zero problems with someone disagreeing my takes. just do so like an adult. seems a much better option than detailing the thread every time I don't like something.
  21. there's all kinds of posts in here (and every single other discussion of every single episode of this show) where countless people miss things/need to go back over them. saying things like, "wait- what happened? why did so and so do this, or why did this guy not do such and such?" and then others chime in with everything from conjecture to clarifications. but because i was critical of this last episode, when i don't fully remember every detail it's because i'm miserable as i watch show and over analyze every perceived plot home. okie silly dilly dokie o. if the TV fanboys *insist* on continuing this pointless, childish shit, then i don't think they're going to like the direction this thread goes. this whole, "i'm going to lash out at everyone who criticizes any aspect of this Tv show that i like" thing is fucking dumb.
  22. Here's Dirk "being great" and "leading his team to the title" as Drew claims: Game 6 win- 9/27 FG, 1/7 3P, 2/2 FT, 21 pts, 11 reb, 1 ast, and a -4 +/-. He had a big 4Q which is essentially where he did all of his damage, but the Mavs wouldn't have even been in the game if it weren't for the play of Marion, Kidd, Barrea, and particularly Jason Terry who went 11/16 from the field and dropped 27 points. so he missed 2/3 of his shots, missed 7/8 3P, only got to the line once, and had a negative +/-, but yeah, only a "Dirk basher" wouldn't describe that as "great". get the fuck out of here.
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