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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. 10 second clip of Matt Coleman coaching the team and it's 100x more substantive than anything Shaka has ever said in the same segments: "GET YOUR HANDS ON THE BALL!"
  2. thinking the same thing all night. we saw it year two with Yancy; we saw it later on when Sims got his first run; we've seen it with Hamm; we've seen it with players who've transferred like Barnett and Banks. this has hurt us way more than the one-and-done rule.
  3. Ramey gets quadruple teamed and never even looks to pass. god this team is so poorly coached.
  4. Will Baker apparently having some trouble holding his head up, like a newborn baby.
  5. x
  6. Lance blanks has no idea who Collin Johnson is.
  7. each team taking a full TO seconds before the last two media timeouts. awesome.
  8. just as we all thought, this team is only going to go as far as Will Baker can take us.
  9. Galindo is such a clown. he announced Baker's dunk like he did a windmill from the FT line.
  10. alert the press- Will Baker just dunked and then hit a three on consecutive possession.
  11. dude is haplessly out of his league when it comes to assembling and then optimally utilizing a roster. it's a glaring flaw of his. maybe his biggest flaw of all, and the dude has plenty.
  12. looking like the old KD out there. of course there really wasn't any doubt as to whether not he's still be able to shoot, so i ain't saying HE'S BACK!!!! just saying it's nice to see that unbelievably smooth shot again.
  13. after reading this i walked out to the table where i had written the letter yesterday, but it was gone. i asked my mom if she'd seen it. "I mailed it." "Seriously?" "Yeah, I went out and mailed it today. Why?" "Because I wasn't going to send it." "Oh." then i just stood there, silently pondering what's going to happen next, when mom chimes in: "Just fucking with you, I threw it away." "Wait, for real?" "Uh, yeah." WHEW. she got me good.
  14. what are the odds that Yaklich and Beilein have already spoken since all of this started going down? fairly decent i'd say. hopefully Yaklich likes it here and is actively suggesting to Coach Beilein that he express interest in the Texas job. That would be ideal.
  15. they both have that "i like to smoke meth and free base but am trying to clean up for this commercial" look.
  16. multiple people have gone on and on about how superior Charlottesville is to Austin, and for those haven't seen it this is not a joke. to hear them tell it, Austin is to Charlottesville what Lubbock is to Austin.
  17. was gonna edit that last line to just say "shit sucks" but it was too late. not trying to be over dramatic. still, it's fucking depressing how much hatred and misunderstanding there is towards the mentally ill. it's fucked up.
  18. every single time this ad comes on, all i can see is homeboy's awful bald cap (with hair??). wtf even is this? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. no you wouldn't. not if your son was mentally ill. trust me. my dad wasn't really in my life as a kid, and in the few times that he was he never indicated that he gave a shit about me. that said, i'll never forget the look on his face when i walked into his kitchen at age fourteen with both forearms bleeding profusely after i had carved myself up something serious with broken glass and scissors. i carved a girl's name into one of my forearms. when i finally reached the catharsis i was searching for, and my manic high came down and i started feeling pain, that's when i walked into his kitchen with my arms out and tears in my eyes. and he was absolutely stunned. it was probably the most sobering moment of his life. i think that was the first time that he realized that i was actually sick. beating a mentally ill kid has ABSOLUTELY ZERO positive affect and is 100% CERTAIN to fuck the kid up more. this thread is fucking depressing me. i'm sure that in the future it will eventually be better, but my lifetime has not been the right time to be mentally ill. i've watched countless disenfranchised and persecuted communities see real progress in my lifetime- gay folks, trans folks, black folks, immigrants, you name it- but not mentally ill people. not even a fraction of a percent. too many of y'all still don't comprehend that it's an actual sickness, and you all cockily reply the way you just did, as if mental illness can be beaten out of someone. you can't imagine how lonely and hopeless some of you make me feel. i wasn't built for this world.
  20. on the one hand i agree with you in principle; on the other hand, seeing as how everything that he says ultimately ends up being the opposite of what actually happens, i kinda want him to keep talking about how Shaka definitely deserves another year.
  21. nah, no bullshit, just a young guy who isn't a member of the club yet. we all know that Luka is better than 4/5 guys that Team Giannis employed during the 4Q, but his ability had nothing to do with him not playing over guys like Harden and CP3. if Giannis has just taken him with his first pick then Team Giannis would have won the whole thing anyway.
  22. another double whoosh from OnBoard. you're the Greek Freak of the Whoosh Fantasy League.
  23. re: talking about Texas hoops winning a title, i used to go on rants about this back during the last 3-4 years of Rick's time here, and while I don't want to go on a full-on rant again, i'll just say this: winning the NCAA tourney is a billion times harder than winning a football title, and so many college hoops fans fail to realize this. Only the very elite coaches win titles, and you don't go out and get one of those, you get lucky and hire him right before he becomes that guy. fuck talking about Texas winning a title, just have us competitive and mostly fun to watch like 3/4 years. That's it. Conference titles, conference tourney titles, and anything beyond the first weekend of the tourney is fucking awesome and should be celebrated as such, but should not be expected on a yearly basis. making the tourney every year and competing for those accolades is what Texas should realistically strive for. forget talking about national titles.
  24. it was already going to be a down year but Cole Anthony getting hurt was a major blow as well. from listening to Roy it sounds like he's rather unimpressed with this group. well, that's actually based off his quoted from a weeks ago. They've been doing better since then, but the return of Anthony obviously has had some say in that.
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