you got the fire Shaka Smart thread locked like two days ago with your insane, obsessive, interminable post chain in reaction to one single post of mine. you made like seven ad hominem posts in row using all caps and exclamation points, and it was honestly completely typical of you. you need just as much help as i do if you are actually in denial about your obsession with me.
and yes. my full name and return address are on the letter/envelope, i just cropped them out of the photo for obvious reasons. that said, this discussion is quickly becoming tangential to this thread, and there's no need to keep posting about it. time to put the kabosh on this retarded back and forth and get back to the subject at hand.
edit: lulz at your response- i made one single germane post about hoops that mentioned Tennessee, you then went completely off the rails like a psycho with countless ranting posts about me, and in turn got the thread locked because of it. but because deej, and herpa derpa, amd the rest of your crew gave you pos rep means you aren't the reason the thread got locked. ok. you are completely delusional.