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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. beer's last activity on surly was on December 19th.
  2. Miami thinks they are contenders. They are delusional, but they aren't necessarily wrong, at least as far as the Eastern Conference goes. They've been surprisingly good this year, and it wouldn't surprise me at all to see them facing Milwaukee in the ECF. Annnnd as I'm typing this I see that Winslow is being sent to Memphis as part of the deal. Another head scratcher.
  3. assuming that quote from CDC is from tonight's little town hall meeting thing, then hopefully that means he's just publicly supporting Shaka while actively looming for our next coach behind closed doors.
  4. new year, new name. now go tell the trophy guy to get ready to etch "White Boy Carl" onto that trophy this time around. i'm coming for number three.
  5. We already have our UNMNT 2020 thread, and we'll continue to have those threads every year, but i wanted to make a thread where we exclusively post about all of the young guys coming up in the USMNT system- particularly a thread we could bump whenever one of them does something noteworthy, for people like me who don't religiously keep up with the ongoing MNT thread but want to see when one of our youngsters does something like this: hopefully there's a lot more to post about young Gio coming soon.
  6. Goo Punch

    USMNT 2020

    i think i'm gonna start a new thread for stuff like this, but wanted to drop it here as well:
  7. we aren't making the tourney.
  8. still need more better tomorrows.
  9. we had 33 at halftime; we have 46 with 3:11 left. maybe, uh, their coach is better than ours? 🤷🏼‍♂️
  10. yeah it's been pretty bad since we decided to announce our faith in the Horns.
  11. lol i just asked the same question in the Sims thread.
  12. we look pretty fucking decent tonight; at least defensively. while our offense continues to rely on our guys hitting threes and/or winning a bunch of 1-on-1 battles, we are doing pretty well tonight.
  13. Sims is going to play in the NBA. Sims is going to play in the NBA? Is Jericho Sims is going to play at the next level?! I'm starting to think so. He's out here hitting baby hooks and owning Azibuke on the offensive end. Damn the kid has improved.
  14. yeah and i appreciate that about you. i'm the same way. ask BO or anyone else in the shaggy baseball league, lol. i've been a bit psycho in the past about people not setting their lineups. most may not recall this, but there was a rumor in December of 2005 that Matt Leinart may miss the Rose Bowl. Those who do remember will also recall that the consensus from Texas was, "fuck that." You want to beat the best; there's no satisfaction in cheap wins.
  15. i just played him and he had his lineup set for every day. i'm guessing it was a one day thing. it certainly didn't help me!
  16. if we come out slow/turning the ball over/not shooting well, we could seriously be down something like 20-6 before the U12.
  17. when's the last time Texas was a 14.5 dog in a conference game? and what do we have to shoot from deep for KU not to cover that? 15/30?
  18. Just for clarity: I'm looking for one line that makes you just lose it when you hear it. It doesn't have to be a one-liner, and it can be part of a routine; there can be some preamble. I'm just looking for that one line that just kills you when you hear it.
  19. "She stood on the heads of those little people." I lose it every single time.
  20. lol, no. not unless we're talking intramurals brother. and even then plenty of those frat boys actually have some semblance of muscle tone, some sign that their body regularly engages in physical activity. he's a fucking profesional athlete for christ's sake, he literally gets paid millions to be athletic and it's in his job description to lift weights. what a loser.
  21. full disclosure for those who don't know- GB III ain't coming here. and if he is, that means Shaka is still our coach next year. fuck. that.
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