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Goo Punch

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Everything posted by Goo Punch

  1. lol ok. you're mad that you got the 9th pick and you want a cheap do-over. not happening.
  2. are you serious? we're going to redo the entire draft order now? fuck that. "oh hey, congrats on getting the no.1 pick Derka. oh btw we aren't going to do a draft this year so you can get fucked." yeah right. you're fucking high.
  3. so many people here saying that BCS is better than BB, and for me, that's ridiculous. it would be like saying that you (as a Longhorn fan) prefer watching the 2009 Big XII Championship Game over the 2006 Rose Bowl. You're allowed to have your own personal preference, I just think you're completely insane in this case.
  4. also FTR i'd prefer not to do the DK style, even if it means essentially wasting my no.1 overall pick on a truncated season that's going to be completely unpredictable. i'd rather my own team, my own players, guys who nobody else can have. last year when I had guys like Ketel Marte that was a huge advantage/coup for me. i don't want every team in the league to be able to take advantage of guys like that just because the season in shorter.
  5. well i hate to be the one to throw this out there, but if we're going to do it DK style then we need to keep the draft order intact for next season.
  6. I have purposely avoided bringing this up, because "pick your battles" and all that, but this banner that we currently have at the top of the forum is stupid and insulting, and the admins should be embarrassed by it. When the owner/admin of the site is notorious for banning anyone who so much as argues with him or hurts his feelings, it's pretty fucking tone deaf for that same guy to hang a banner telling other people that this isn't the website for them if their feelings get hurt too easily. I mean fucking seriously. It's asinine. edit: and just to be clear, I haven't even crossed paths with immamac in like a year, ever since he and BL told me theyd permaban me if I ever tried to publicly call him out again, but during that time ive watched him/them continue to go full Katy Agnor on multiple people on this site, and this banner of his is just too much. The guy literally permabanned spystud for arguing with him. shaggy was great, but surly, being run by immamac, is a totally different animal. There's a "protect our own" mentaility among the admins here that didn't exist when immamac wasn't in charge. And once more for posterity, bexause I cannot stress this enough: when I pm'd blcklab and hayden to ask them why immamac was allowed to ban anyone who he didn't like, they literally told me, "its his site, he can do what he wants. if you pm us again or post about immamac again you will be permabanned." FACTS. if that isn't what they said verbatim it's damn close. and yet these clowns want to talk down about other people not being mentally or emotionally mature enough for this site. fuck out of here, all of you hypocrites. it's a joke.
  8. i've been bingeing Mad Men for i don't even know how long now. i watch it every day, it's amazing. and then out of fucking nowhere netflix took it off of their platform in the middle of the night last night. i am crestfallen; disconsolate; immeasurably distressed. WHY GOD, WHY?!?!!!!?!!?
  9. welp, i got me a camera. i decided to go with a local shop so that i can hopefully have a sort of home base to go to for any questions or needs. i reviewed this thread before i went in and talked to someone, but the fact of the matter is that i know nothing about this stuff, so all I could do was a whole bunch of questions, make a decision, and hope i didn't get absolute fleeced. I ended up going with some deal they had for a panasonic camera plus an extra lens, and then got the requisite protection filters, batteries, memory card, insurance, etc. ended up spending $1,080 altogether. so tell me straight surly- did I make a good purchase? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. lmao @ Wes. dude cannot help but fellate himself every single time he speaks, even when he's ostensibly addressing some rather serious issues. Wes has above average intelligence, nothing more. he's a master/expert of nothing. but, because he's spent his entire adult life surrounded by some of the planet's dumbest, most moronic people he thinks he's Elon Musk + Neil DeGrasse Tyson + Jeff Bezos + Ken Jennings all rolled into one. i'm not sure I can name a person with more hubris.
  11. follow up to my last post- how many people loved to call Andy Reid a loser or a choke artist before this season? answer: a lot. but then he wins a super bowl, and the number of people who shot on him drops drastically. he goes from a lifetime loser to a champion and HOF coach in three hours. that's how severely and we judge these people, and how flaky we are with said judgments. Beyond that, you still have plenty of people saying, "oh big deal, he finally won a title because he had a team loaded with All Pros and MVPs. I could have won a title with Mahomes, Hill, Kelce, plus a great defense and a great kicker. Yeah, great job Andy Reid. 🙄." But that's the thing- nobody is out here coaching up/willing scrub teams to victory. meanwhile every single year in every single sport we see great/supremely talented teams that fail to win all, sometimes year upon year (Bills, Jazz, Braves, etc). people really don't appreciate how hard it is to win titles man, and it's a shame, because sports would be a lot more fun to follow if more people understood this. there'd be a lot less vitriol, and titles would feel even sweeter. never gonna happen, but, be a lot cooler if it did.
  12. i hope the main takeaway for most people here is that it is seriously hard to win a championship at the highest levels of sports. we shit on players who've never won, shit on coaches who've never won, shit on players and coaches who actually have won, sometimes multiple titles, and we pretty much act like 98% of coaches and players are losers who either never won shit, or who got lucky or were fortunate to win because of this reason or that. But then you get into discussions like this, and people recount just how many things had to happen for Team A or Player A to win a title, and you get reminded of just how insanely difficult it actually is to win titles, and just how many great players and coaches get tantalizingly close without ever sealing the deal. Look at LeBron and KD- all time great talents in their prime with zero rings, desperate to win titles; one forms a super team in Miami and the other a super team in Golden State. most people shit all over both of them for these moves, but what really ended up happening? did they win 75 games a year and go undefeated through the playoffs for three or four straight years? nope. in fact both went to the Finals and lost, and for the most part they still had to scratch and claw and show up in crunch time to win those titles. it's proof of just how difficult it is to actually win it all. bottom line- fans are way too hard on athletes and coaches, and we should really be giving pretty much all of them a lot more credit, titles or not.
  13. KD is at least 7 feet tall, according to many of his NBA peers. I can't count the number of times I've heard an NBA player insist that KD is at least 7 feet tall, as they describe how impossible it is to guard someone that size with that type of skill/agility/handle. Plus, there are plenty of photos of him during Team USA practices/events which show that he's easily taller than guys like Boogie Cousins. I'm not sure why KD likes to fight that claim so much, but all of the evidence has me convinced that he's at least 7 feet tall.
  14. well, like you said, it's fitting for her: zero self awareness. HUGE pet peeve of mine. the whole, "i'm gonna go out of my way to be the only girl to sleep in a guy's room because i want to make sure that i can be there to fuck it up if Rogan tries to hook up with anyone on this show, LOLOLOLOLOL i'm a grown woman who acts like a child, omg i'm sooooo cute." routine. go fuck yourself Dee. good riddance.
  15. Well, as the leader of the "Dee is the worst person on The Challenge and I hate her" committee, allow me to express my extreme happiness at this news. fuck that dumb cunt and everything she stands for.
  16. picturing Larry Allen snapping the ball to Larry Allen who then runs a read option with Larry Allen is hilarious.
  17. Earl MF'in Campbell.
  18. it really wouldn't be close, and (probably) the biggest factor in that would be the speed. any old seasoned pro is already accustomed to doing everything at warp speed compared to a college player/team. that's one of the defining differences when it comes to those who make it as a pro and those who don't- the ability to play at speed. Team Gretzky would be flying around the ice making everything look effortless while the college kids got gassed and depressed just trying to keep up. the college kids would pretty much spend the entire 3rd period pinned into their own end, just exhausted and demoralized. they'd be fatigued before TG worked up a sweat. related analogy: i have a buddy who's a life long soccer fan who never got into baseball (black guys, amirite?), but he started to get into the sport more and more in recent years simply from being around me. something i pointed out to him about baseball, that's the same in soccer, is how insanely easy the pros make it look, and how the top pros make it look even easier, even when it's not. at that level you are *expected* to make very difficult plays look routine. think of hot grounder to third that comes off the bat at 113 mph and leads the 3B into foul ground where he has to throw across his body to retire the runner by about 0.2 seconds. if you're going to be good enough to play at the top level then you need to be so talented as to make that play look routine. it's all about the speed of the game, and that's one of the main reasons that Team Gretzky would obliterate any college team ever. even the greatest college hockey team ever would only have 1-2 kids who were actually ready to play at speed for three periods. against a team of Wayne Gretzky's? fuhgeddaboutit.
  19. Swaggy and Bayleigh went after her on twitter (Swaggy went scorched earth, said she's a coke head who is obsessed with being on TV, then bragged about how he made $2M last year (google says this is a lie)), and Wes (with whom she's been living in KC) claims to have kicked her out, but there are reports from internet sleuths that's she is still there.
  20. also, for the people who rank Paul 1st or 2nd: does it not bother you that he's a career loser who everyone hates? you definitely can't win with him as your best player, and i have a hard time imagining winning a title with him as even your second best player, because again, nobody likes him. to me he's in the same class as guys like Kyrie and Melo when it comes to my belief in his ability to help lead a team to victory. if he doesn't have LeBron as his no.1, it's not going to happen.
  21. A lot of this is untrue. Kidd wasn't a screen door defensively, and as his career went on he did start shooting plenty of threes. when he retired he was top 5 all time in 3PM.
  22. The college team would literally never get the puck. it would be like when the Dream Team ran it back against the college All Stars. i mean there's a more than 99% chance that none of the college player will ever at his future peak go on to be even close to as talented/good as the worst player on the opposing team, a team of fully grown men, legends in their prime. the real question would be how many goals Team Gretzky scored before the college team got one in the net. if they were really trying, it could easily be dozens.
  23. re: the idea that 5 Gretzky's wouldn't just abuse a college team (or what's worse that they would lose, lulz), here is video of 50 year old Mike Miller just toying with a bunch of basketball players from Penny Hardaway's Memphis team: again, that's 63 year-old spot-up shooter Mike Miller just toying with some major D-1 basketball players. the difference in professionals and collegiate athletes is staggering. when you spend your entire adult life living/breathing/training as a top flight professional, college kids become a joke to go up against. Five Wayne Gretzky's would absolutely humiliate the greatest college hockey team ever.
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