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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. Thank you Sam!
  2. It is hilarious how irrelevant that newspaper reporters are these days vs. how important they think they are.
  3. They showed a guy in the stands with an aggy jersey that had the tie dyed collar from the 90’s. That jersey has seen some shit.
  4. Your first mistake was reading Deadspin
  5. It would be funny to make OU double his salary to match such an offer
  6. Has anyone submitted Roman?
  7. Charlie just drove it 230 to the fringe of the green. Tiger didn’t bother hitting. Very impressive performance!
  8. Nice to see a coach not be a pussy and go for 2. Which reminds me...Fuck you Tom Herman.
  9. Ok, John Mackovic had no connections to Texas either before coming to Texas, outside of a short stint with the Cowboys. It isn’t particularly useful to use the top coach in college history as a comparison tool. The chances of falling into a guy like that are extremely low.
  10. Fickell has no connection to Texas at all. Spent his entire playing and coaching career in the midwest. Not sold on him being a good option.
  11. I’m going to start telling everyone to “Respect my decision!” every time I decide anything. Me: I’m getting drunk tonight. Wife: Please don’t Me: Respect my decision!
  12. Translation: I don’t know shit, no one is telling me shit, yet I still want you to think I know shit so you give me my $9.95, so here is some shit I made up.
  13. Urban isn’t going to say anything on that podcast. He isn’t going to shut the door on an $80 million dollar deal via McTaserface’s podcast.
  14. Anyone follow a bunch of players on Twitter? Start scouring re: practice.
  15. When do the players show up to the facility on Sunday usually?
  16. I wouldn’t put much stock in that. When trying to keep something confidential, you usually don’t tell a hundred 18-22 year olds with 5 social media accounts each
  17. More jokes. Brady Quinn going out of his way to say Elephant as in the Elephant in the room. Urban just smirks
  18. If Urban wasn’t coming he could have easily shut all this down already. He lives in a burnt orange casita in Horseshoe Bay
  19. “That’s three times”
  20. Holy shit. He’s coming, isn’t he!
  21. I’m ready to run through a fucking wall for Urban Meyer. Tim Brando and Herbstreit can get fucked.
  22. This guy is a motherfucking football coach. He clearly wants to coach. Not to play golf and do TV.
  23. What did Herbstreit/espn say?
  24. God Reggie Bush is bad at this
  25. Hearing Urban talk about football gives me a boner. This guy desperately wants to coach again.
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