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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. Cubans like cars
  2. Sounds like a piece of cake. Regime change in 4 letter countries starting with an I always goes swimmingly.
  3. Anyone have any experience with LSU? Do they have any tuition discounts for Texas students? Thoughts on LSU as a school? My kids are years away, so m just curious.
  4. Good school, pretty area, hippy vibe. But Santa Cruz is a shithole of a city. Lots of homeless/hobos riding around on bicycles grimacing at you waiting to break into your car.
  5. I love it. “Javier Worthy”. Also ¡NADA! sounds much cooler than no gain.
  6. EEBF (East Europe Box Face)
  7. Greg Davis is rested and ready
  8. They need to move him to RB
  9. Good call by everyone who said he would help us win
  10. Fire Dusty. That is criminally stupid.
  11. How do you get the ball with 4:30 left and 3 timeouts yet run out of time on the drive? WTF kind of clock management is that?
  12. Similar tactics to Jon Taffer’s “butt funnel”
  13. Needville is super impressive. It is such a tiny place that it is impressive enough that they beat the Pearlands and Bellaires of the world, let alone undefeated in the national championship game.
  14. That motherfucker is NOT real
  15. His head was aiming towards the middle of the goal. Swinging his head down like he was trying to bury it in the back of the net. Not trying to glance it wide. I’m not giving him any benefit of the doubt. He was either brain dead or point shaving.
  16. That Dallas guy 100% forgot what team he was playing for on the own goal. He was trying to head it into the net. I can’t say I’ve seen that happen before to a player above the age of 8
  17. Trying to steal the recipe for Krabby Patties
  18. Putin can say anything to the Russian people true, false, insane, or contradictory. They will just shrug their shoulders and go about their meaningless lives like the mindless lemmings they are. It truly doesn’t matter at all what he says.
  19. The map looks like the dildo of consequences
  20. Nothing is well planned in Russia? I would have told you that for the modest sum of $9.95 if you subscribed to my newsletter.
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