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Mantis Toboggan, MD

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Everything posted by Mantis Toboggan, MD

  1. The road he was on was quite remote, but it also happens to be the road you would end up on if you missed your turn in Luling that you would normally take to head to I-10 and Houston. If you are on 80 and you failed to turn right on 183, you would ultimately end up on the road his car crashed on. I think your theory is mostly accurate except it doesn’t account for not finding the body. They did numerous searches and didn’t find anything anywhere. His cell phone was found between the seat and console, out of sight. My possible theory is that he accidentally misses his turn, ends up out there in this dark remote road, wrecks, possibly due to intoxication. Can’t find his phone, is discombobulated due to accident and intoxication, and wanders off to a local property to get help where a homeowner sees a fucked up bleeding guy banging on his door, gets scared, shoots him, then panics and disposes the body somehow. That road has some creepy looking remote houses that are undoubtedly inhabited by weird rednecks. I drove down in and got True Detective vibes. This explains all the evidence in one way or another. I suppose it is possible some wild hogs found his body out there and devoured it too.
  2. Sure. The USA assassinating the leader of a nuclear power sounds like a brilliant idea and there is no way it could go wrong. Jesus Christ
  3. Uh. Yes? Do you think they should have a three strikes and you're out policy? Give em a punchcard. "Janice, get the Narcan, this guy is dying. No, hold up, his OD punchcard says he has already been Narcan'd 3 times, better let him die"
  4. I think the point is preventing the person from dying.
  5. Jesus Christ. Fuck this motherfucker Uvalde police chief. If cops didn’t have a pathological refusal and inability to admit when they fucked up, perhaps people would trust them to the extent they think people should.
  6. He better watch his balance near windows
  7. Russia is mugging Reedsky Boydovich on the river. Next they will deploy Blakarsky Gideonovich to execute an easy interception of Grahamisky Harrellovich’s forces.
  8. Yeah, no. Leaving your dead and wounded to rot on the battlefield destroys morale.
  9. Jennifer Connelly’s character (Mav’s love interest) is Penny Benjamin per IMDB. So I guess he never lost that loving feeling for her.
  10. I really liked the show and fucking hated the finish. Are we supposed to be happy the only redeemable character gets offed and a bunch of asshole degenerates live? At least kill Wendy the cunt off. I could have lived with anything if they did that.
  11. That didn’t happen. As a general rule, the more it sounds like Taken, the less likely it is that it is true. A stranger getting kidnapped and secreted in a homeless tent for two weeks without a chance to escape is not a real thing that happens.
  12. Gypsy is broader than Romani since it could also be used to refer to Irish Travelers, who live and behave similar to Romani. There are people on Twitter that will get offended by using “gypsy” or “gyp.” But frankly I don’t give a shit because that is universally what they do. Defraud people. I’m sure there is a gypsy out there that is honest and isn’t engaged in some sort of fraud, but I haven’t met him.
  13. In the history of the world has a Navy lost a naval battle against an opponent that has no Navy?
  14. Rename thread to: Borracho Broad Bashes Brother Bikers Because Butt Blowout
  15. I don’t think that, but I think your moderation has gotten more aggressive and angry lately, and I don’t think that is a good thing.
  16. You are most likely right. Vlad will try to regain the initiative then claim victory at some point. When you have a stranglehold on his media that is all he needs to save face I think.
  17. “Total Ukrainian Guerrilla Safari” is the best band name yet from this war
  18. Not really. There are several ranks of general/admiral. There are like 800-1000 generals and admirals in the USA military currently. I’m sure there are hundreds in the Russian military too.
  19. Arsonist is very concerned that the building is on fire and people might get burned.
  20. I smell a Ukrainian reality show. “Pimp My Tank” I assume Xzibit is available.
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