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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by BearCountry11

  1. This has been discussed already but I cant fucking stand the whole "guess what" bullshit. My wife and I are expecting a baby boy in the next few weeks and she had a doctors appointment today where they got the baby's estimated weight. I get this text message: Her: OMG GUESS WHAT??? Me: What? …..30 minutes pass.... Me: ??? ...15 minutes pass... Me (calls her): What is going on? Everything ok? Her: Sorry I was on the phone with my sister. The baby weighs over 7 lbs! Drives me crazy. Just tell me that initially - don't make me guess then not respond.
  2. Double post
  3. Hopkinshorn inspired me to try bread. I’ve got a machine but it doesn’t put out anything near what HH posted. Making bread led to trying pizza. The pizza sauce led to making some tomato soup (Babish’s recipe w/ grilled cheese “croutons”). Definitely need some work across the board but not 100% disappointed with final products. Plates/bowls were cleaned. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Awesome. "I'm really not into dreams anymore, OK? I'm into fuckin' nightmares. You guys with me on that? You've got to end somebody's dream. You gotta take their job. You gotta take their heart. You guys clear about this NFL shit now?" That had me ready to run through a brick wall.
  5. Nothing fancy but made some pretty damn good chicken fried rice tonight. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. My big question is do you really taste the mayo? I’ve heard it’s awesome but I fucking hate mayo.
  7. BearCountry11

    Tex Mex

    Not sure where to put this but I had some life-changing cheese enchiladas at Juan in a Million yesterday. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Big Sur - we stayed at Treebones Resort and absolutely loved it. No cell service and we didn’t mind that one bit. Had probably the best culinary experience of our lives at The Sushi Bar (at Treebones). You’ll need a reservation if you go and I highly recommend you do. Great view of the pacific. Also recommend you try Nepenthe in Big Sur. Great views and a nice place to relax with a few drinks. Carmel - only went here briefly (played pebble beach) but get breakfast at Katy’s place. I got a dungeness crab omelette there - it slammed and went hard. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Wife had to use my car today to drive to Round Rock while I took her car in for an oil change. Round Rock is 15 minutes away from us. In that 30 minute round-trip drive she changed all my Sirius XM pre-set stations to what she has them set to in her car. All 9 of them. Also, the AC was on FULL FUCKING BLAST when I turned the car on but all the vents were shut.
  10. Watched this not too long ago - pretty damn good. McKamey Manor doesn't strike me as a "scare" though. It's basically torcher and beating the shit out of you
  11. Echoing the sentiment of most people here. One of the best miniseries I’ve ever seen. Loved that finale. I was worried they would leave it up to the viewer to research but they closed it out nicely. Bravo.
  12. This I still don’t understand as a man.
  13. I'll bet if there was some pussy up there on top of that obstacle, you could get up there
  14. Might want to? I cant stand her but would still ruin that. Plus she seems like she's into that freaky stuff so I'm down.
  15. Only been to ABGB once but thought the pizza was okay. Something I'd go back for but we live in Leander so not worth the drive. If we venture south for pizza it is Bufalina or Home Slice. PHP was my vote strictly for the beer and pizza rolls. The fact that Electric Jellyfish is available at Burnet and Round Rock makes it the clear winner. Their pizza is garbage but I could smash those pizza rolls all day.
  16. I found it difficult to fap to this. Not impossible, though.
  17. I typically get the "I just left for the store 5 min ago but called anyway to talk" call.
  18. "Are pigs just, like, all bacon? What else what you eat from a pig?" ….we had pork chops last night for dinner.
  19. Aaaaaaand there's the phone call. "Did you take my car to work?" Despite my car not being there, either. Didn't even once cross her mind that something was wrong...oh well.
  20. Working on some shelving and storage in the garage so there's wood planks and tools everywhere. Cars are in the driveway until next week.
  21. My wife has developed a nasty habit of leaving her car keys in the front door (on the outside of the house). I posted this earlier in the thread but I've seen this happen 4-5 times over the past few months. Of course, she doesn't understand why it pisses me off "because we have an alarm system". Doesn't understand that she is not only giving an intruder access to the house, but her brand new car, too. Her excuse is that when she is carrying stuff inside she is focused on turning the alarm off and forgets her keys. This morning it happened again. She was sleeping when I left the house and, sure enough, when I went to lock the door behind me, there were her keys. She is off work today so I took the keys (she has a spare), pulled her car around the corner out of view, and left for work. I figured she would call me in a panic that her car is missing. It is now 11:52 AM and she has not noticed...
  22. Ran short on time to make the planned dinner (gumbo) so threw together a crab finger scampi over homemade pasta. Messy but was fucking amazing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. My BIL rents out cars with Turo. Seems like a great service. Using it while in Denver in May so hoping it lives up to expectations. My BIL swears by it.
  24. I, also, like to live dangerously.
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