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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by DanTheHorn

  1. My late thoughts after watching the game. I was unable too on Saturday night due to family function.

    1. Herman take the dame points when your dominating the game. Don't give the other team a chance to gain hope.

    2. Herman stop going into a freaking offensive turtle shell with the lead. Nut up and play to win. LSU did so and got themselves a TD that put the game away.

    3. The majority of the kids played great and were let down by the offensive coaches at critical times and a few stupid mistakes by teamates.

  2. 1 minute ago, Scholz said:

    They skip right over "relevant" straight to "dynasty".  Seems legit.

    Well I did interpret "good things" as dynasty because you know that is what delusional aggy is thinking when they say good things.

    • Like 1
  3. So many Moral Victory threads over at Texags it is disappointing. Where are the tears I am addicted too. I guess I will have to wait for year 4 of the same shit from Jimbo before aggy tears once again flow incessantly. In the mean time it is cold turkey since they are still delusionally infatuated with Jimbo.


    Paraphrased summary of each moral victory thread.

    It takes time to build a dynasty. We have #3 coach. Good stats in 4th quarter.


    It takes time, we have CEO coach. Mond is trending up.


    Our team rallied! We have bad fans!


    Building reliable championship team does not happen overnight.



  4. 20 hours ago, Cairn Horn88 said:

    Poor aggy....trying to defend their wall hardware on the rant:



    The delay in claiming of the undisputed national championships was explained.

    Undisputed? Your bull shite just goes from bad to worse.

    I'll let you respond before delving further, so as to give you more rope to hang yourself with.

    Image has been here before but from the thread a reminder of aggy logic.


  5. Sophomore slump or playing at less than 100%. Lets hope it was the later and he comes back healthy. As long as we get past OU witha W then having healthy for the stretch run will be good.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    That Nebraska team finished 19th in the country and lost 4 games.

    Two of those losses were to top 5 teams at game time in the last two games by a total of 13 points. We were a nobody at the time trying to comeback and we beat Nebraska in their home when they were ranked #7. That is absolutely a bigger win than Georgia last year in a bowl game. We all hate what Mack did in his later years to our program but that does not diminish what he did as a coach in 1998. I would put what Tom did last year behind what Mack did in 1998, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2008 and 2009. Hell even 2006 since Mack lost because Colt got hurt while being in the hunt. Tom and his staff shit the bed a few times last year.

  7. 6 hours ago, Vic Mackey said:

    Lulz. You are one of them? While we are at it, let's create a thread called Football and stick every single football related thing in there. Or better yet, one single thread for the whole forum called Stuff and every single thought go in there.

    Generic mega threads are the worst thing about the Shag/Surly.

    If you did not think this was worthy of its' own thread you would not have created it. A few let you know that they did not give a shit and therefore believe the thread is clutter. All a matter of opinion on surly.

  8. As I view the rankings it must be killing aggy to not be able to say they are the highest ranked 1 loss team as they move on to being the highest ranked two loss team this week. Not to mention, soon they will be the best 4 loss team in college football as they are proudly able to claim at some point by the end of every season.

  9. All these additional consultant suggestions all over this thread. There is a saying: "To many cooks in the kitchen", it exists for a reason. I just think Herman and Orlando need to sit down and have a frank discussion as to whether the better talent really opens up so many more doors to trying to be exotic or whether they just get back to basics and beat people with talent that executes well.

  10. 37 minutes ago, Fozzz said:

    Arguing that Aranda did a worse job than Orlando on Saturday is just laughably stupid.  LSU performed far better than Texas offensively on Saturday (2+ YPP margin and 8% success rate margin), and I assume you believe Texas has a top 10 offense.  LSU may not have a better offensive performance the entire season than they did on Saturday.  

    I don't remember Burrow missing three wide open receivers for TDs or at the very least major yardage like Sam did on Saturday. To me the difference was our offense missing on some sure things and Burrow making a very good pass with one of our guys draped all over him. I am not defending Orlando's bad call on 3rd and 17 but I think that Aranda may have done a worse job because he had better talent to work with on his side.



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