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Posts posted by DanTheHorn

  1. Was Will Wade the secret behind Shaka's success at VCU. I was reading an article about LSU playing Texas and how Will Wade called Shaka boss. So I looked them up and find out that as soon as Will Wade leaves Shaka's teams go down hill at VCU. Will Wade gets to LSU and in year two he is 25-5 and wins the conference.

    Maybe this is like Chris Petersen being the secret to Dan Hawkins success because as we know Dan Hawkins ended up being a joke on his own. For some Shaka is already a joke and maybe he rode someone to a nice job just like Mr. Hawkins.

  2. On 8/11/2019 at 10:31 AM, Llogg said:

    Your assumption is wrong.

    P5 wins: aTm 49, TX 51

    Wow, even when aggy tries to find a favorable statistic within a narrow time frame aggy fails. So we should compare stats using marriage significant anniversaries. Who has the better record in the last year, 5 years, 10 years, 25 years and 50 years. Maybe aggy in the last 5 since I have not looked it up but all I would have to do is bring up UCLA and then I would feel better.

    Maybe I will look it up after work: P5 record, Conference championships, BCS/Big Bowl appearances and National championships. The last I do not have to look up it is zero for our little brother.

  3. 1 hour ago, LTtxfan said:

    Damn... if Karic can handle adding more weight, keep his quickness up, and is smart enough to handle the challenges of a college O-lineman  -- he'll get a shot in the NFL.  🤘

    That is so many ifs. Glad to have the kid.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Huckleberry said:

    Terrible. They should be allowed to move whenever they want. Do regular students have these burdensome limitations put on them? Are coaches required to sit out a year when they take a new job? Are NCAA administrators locked down for two years even if a better job comes calling? You know the answer to all those questions. The only way I can see requiring anything of players is if schools guarantee multi-year scholarships. If a player has a guaranteed multi-year scholarship then we can start discussing the concept of an adult signing a contract that entails a multi-year commitment. What you're suggesting is the same thing that exists now where all the power is with the school that is raking in money hand over fist. They are under no obligation to renew a player's scholarship but the player is obligated to stay there or suffer consequences associated with changing schools. It's bullshit.

    Tough shit, we're not the ones doing the work.

    Did I not say the players deserve it? Did I not say the players are the ones putting in the work? How some of us feel about it does not change. It does not mean we do not root for a better environment for the players. It is bullshit to have a complete free market without any rules. Students that transfer must watch their hours otherwise if they take to many to graduate they have to start paying out of state tuition without financial aid and most schools require they complete 50+ hours in their school to get an undergraduate degree. So yes they have rules that limit them from moving around too much.


    On the multi year scholarship is one area we can agree on completely.

  5. 2 minutes ago, Gene Parmesan said:

    It only sucks for fans on one side of the equation.  It's great for fans on the other side. 

    You must have grown up in the days of Charles Haley, Deon Sanders and Terrell Owens and not the days of Randy White, Drew Pearson and Tony Dorset. On one hand we got players that put us over the top via free agency. On the other we lost knowing the great ones would only be on one team and be only ours. For, the players it was great and well deserved. For many of us that had to make the transition it sucked.

  6. It sucks for us fans but I believe players should not only be able to transfer without permission but they should not have to sit out a year. Yet, I still believe the transfer portal should be closed for the first two years. When a person signs a contract in the real world they have to honor it. So these players make a commitment, regardless of promises they know they have to compete for a job. They should at least honor a two year commitment. Grow up a little. Limit transfers to one for their career in college.

    It is like everything in the free market. To much regulation and nothing gets done. To little and it is the early 1900's with children working, no middle class and people being shot for asking to make things better. It is human nature to cut corners for self interest at the expense of others and the right balance of rules are always needed.

    • Fuck You 1
  7. 54 minutes ago, TtomTerrific said:

    he's not wrong.


    1 hour ago, Hornsfan91 said:

    Not sure what thread to put this on so I’ll leave it here.


    I think most would interpret this as Sterns reacting to the news of the last week. What would suck is if this was followed by Sterns going into the transfer portal.

    • Like 3
  8. Quote

    “It’s just … you don’t know how to put it,” Evans told 247Sports’ Chris Hummer of his decision to exclude the Longhorns from his top list. “I don’t want to be disrespectful. I ain’t saying (Texas) can’t win a natty. It’s just at the moment [Texas is] not quite there. You beat Georgia but you barely beat Georgia. What about when it comes to a Bama or go to a Clemson?

    ”Texas is a good school, they coming up,” Evans added. “It’s just ... I don’t know.”

    If we try to find a silver lining is that Adrian Peterson said something very similar and went on to play for Oklahoma. He won nothing and Vince and Company won it all.

  9. I say they close the transfer portal to freshman and sophomores. Open it up to them once they have been at a program for two years with no sitting out period. Protect kids from their own worst instincts and don't make guys that have a pretty clear idea of where they stand with the program after two years sit out for a year.

    • Like 5
  10. 2 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    He’s opened the door for someone smarter, more disciplined and craftier to take the country where we want it to be taken when it comes to immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. He has led to the purging of RINOs and to refashioning the GOP into a populist, hard line immigration party. There are millions of us that are very happy about that. As the 5th straight re-election of Netanyahu has proved in Israel, the majority tune out the sky is falling bs from Haaretz and the NYT about creeping “authoritarianism”. Y’all ignore the loyalty Trump has built up with the base at your peril. It’s an emotional connection because he is saying what we’re thinking and have wanted to be said for a long time. Highlight pieces of the report and parse words all you want. They didn’t prosecute and did not find him directly conspiring with Russia. That’s all that matters. Like Clinton, Trump will see a bump in his approval ratings if impeached paving the way for 2020, especially if the hordes keep coming down at the border.

    He has also paved the way for authoritarian control for some people. Some stupid facebook post that was going around said guns were taken in Russians because people gave up their rights. They fail to mention that many Russians fought a revolution to voluntarily and happily give up their rights to an authoritarian government. That is how it happens, people that can't see the failures of a way of thought happily embrace it. Trumpkins and socialist suffer from the same disease, that is why I choose being an independent.

  11. So from headlines, the summary is no obstruction exists because aides refused to carry out orders. Fox news says Trump embarrassed himself but no obstruction. I guess everyone is going to spin this one how they want too. Bottom line veep got it right "I say shit you say show" Shit, Show, Shit, Show.

  12. On 4/14/2019 at 8:31 PM, Chopper said:

    George Martin lives in Santa Fe, NM and he ain't leaving for Collie Station. The only connection I could find between Martin and aggy is that he graduated from Northwestern University. I presume they offered him something (money, space, etc.) other universities weren't offering for his archives.

    There is plenty of free space in the championship hall.

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