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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DanTheHorn

  1. I agree with with three programs you have listed but how does Penn State have more advantages? Please educate us.
  2. Nebraska had 3 10 win seasons between 2009 and 2012 and we all thought Bo Pelini sucked as a coach. A half decent coach probably turns two of those seasons into 12 win seasons. We will know in two more years if Nebraska will start being better than average because I think they have the right coach.
  3. Right now Nebraska and UCLA are in quarantine as far as the tier they belong too. I would be surprised if Nebraska does not figure it out at some point. Blue bloods always do regardless of hiatus. Bama had been a really bad program for about 10 years and some thought their glory days were in the rear view mirror.
  4. Found this as far as rivalry data since I could not find the Cody results. https://knowrivalry.com/team/longhorns-texas-97/ The numbers show reverse rivalry. So aggy it is true we don't think of you as much as you do us.
  5. Could not get through the video just yet because at 1:20 we have the exact placement of the ball that was needed against Washington for a TD.
  6. Where does it say that the top conference champs get the top 4 seeds? Could they get the bye but not be seeded one through 4 ?
  7. Still watching but it looks like the funyuns were laced with LSD
  8. That is pretty much the pass Purdy missed to 15
  9. Right now I want to say sarcastically great OT of a shitty game then I realize that in August I will be watching shitty football with great sense of appreciation after the offseason.
  10. This just has feel of game between two teams that are not running on all cylinders.
  11. Kyle with the dreaded double digit lead in a Super Bowl
  12. Well that entire set was garbage starting with Reese's.
  13. That mayo one is in the lead for the worst one so far.
  14. All I could think of was those of us in teens and 20s when that movie came do look like the gummy now.
  15. Anything with Walken has to be good
  16. Having Romo talk about handling pressure in big games is priceless. I thought what hell would you know about handling pressure in big games. Never played in any.
  17. The thing about GOT up till season 5 before G.R.R.M. screwed us by being lazy is that meandering was part of the build up of characters and attention to detail. GOT was great at making something that seemed so irrelevant be completely essential to the story once things played out. Once GOT went of the rails loose ends arose and characters started being other people. Season one of true detective did some of the same things and unlike GOT characters did not become different people all of a sudden. A good detailed story and character connection is what makes a series great. The Jodie character for instance is suppose to be a pain in the ass but why is it a loss of a child like season one? Look at Rus and how they got us to care what a loss of a child meant specifically to his soul and how GOT got us to care about Tyrion. This series needs to do some more of that in order to have a payoff otherwise people are uninterested in what happens to the characters.
  18. Did not remember the scene, I had to look it up.
  19. This is my problem with Lopez. She says she is inspired by movies she watched but in reality she has zero originality and just walks the fine line of plagiarism.
  20. I already said I am in till the end because of Jodie but could care less who done it. Giving it a full chance to recover from the first two episodes.
  21. The carcosa sex mobile as someone stated above
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