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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DanTheHorn

  1. Four fan bases were very satisfied with the way the games went and the outcomes. The rest of college football found all these games to be mismatches and boring.
  2. ND win = Advantage aggy since they lost by less
  3. Well lets hope it is not the one a 3pm tomorrow or the one in Atlanta on New Years. I want those to be blow outs by the good guys. Who cares what the rest of the nation thinks.
  4. I always thought 6 was the right number with 2 teams getting a bye way back when 4 was being discussed but NIL and the portal has introduced parity and in today's football 4 and 6 is to few. All the teams this year are flawed and any of 6 to 8 teams if they got hot could win it this year.
  5. I don't care who 9 thru 12 is when it comes to the play offs. Notre Dame would have probably put away Alabama also. Fix the seeding and end up with the best 8 teams after round one and I will be happy.
  6. These Notre Dame receivers must use the point it at my knees setting on the throw machine to get use to Riley's passes.
  7. Remember when last year we all celebrated when our right tackle had a false start because Sark was about to give 3 away yet again last year. This year I won't know what to think because kicking it may be giving away 7.
  8. Good? That backup threw a pick 6 to lose the game had we blocked.
  9. That Indiana coach strikes me like another Herman. Success at a small school with a weak ass schedule makes him feel big. At the first sign of trouble he can't wait to throw his players under the bus.
  10. Just caught up and a bad punter can really suck for a team.
  11. On ESPN getup Greg McElroy had a message for the media with the click bait story of Arch over Quinn.
  12. GDGD called a drive that scored but Colt ran out of bounds instead of killing clock knowing he had a first down and plenty of time to score.
  13. There is a difference between being all over it and thinking that looks good in comparison to what usually gets posted here. The question was does she look good and not would you jump those bones, keyword bones after looking at that ass. Of course I would be all over it, like I said it don't take much. During my college days I had an exchange with a freshman at UT that was bragging about how much he had hit. I asked what is the ugliest woman you slept with and he responded he does not sleep with ugly women. I responded then you have not fucked enough.
  14. I am old and it don' t take much but after seeing that I am sure. Lets compare:
  15. Tell me you have not watched the 30 for 30 without telling me you have not the 30 for 30
  16. Alfred Collins took four years to finally become what was expected of him since his second year here. He did not transfer and was publicly in the dog house a few times but got it done. If Mitchell cannot understand that that is his path then it is time for him to go. Sometimes unfortunately it takes a second set of folks telling you the same thing to realize it was not this staff that was being unfair it was your own damn fault. He could change and does have the talent to become something worth while. Wish him the best as long as it is not against us or for one of our rivals.
  17. So is he eligible of Jan 20th if we make it that far? The spring semester at the University of Texas at Austin typically begins on the Tuesday after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Here are some key dates for the spring semester of 2025: January 6: Tuition payment deadline for undergraduate students January 9–12: Registration for all students January 10: University residence halls open January 13: First day of classes
  18. I went looking for Navy Parking there at LBJ and only thing I found was on craigslist but the price seemed ridiculous. Some of you folks that know what was face value for Navy Parking for this Clemson game?
  19. You gave it a shot and it is appreciated. Just enjoy the play-off game with your son and let folks say what they are going to say when only you know what it takes to get this done.
  20. I watch these guys and you can always tell which one of them has a Michigan education. The other two are morons and they entertain me because they hate Texas was so good this year. All these guys and their type had a look of relief after the Georgia game. That is why I wanted that trophy so badly.
  21. That would suck
  22. Does he mean they can end up 8 & 4 once again when they are a juggernaut of a team that is ranked ahead of Texas in next years power rankings.
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