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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by DanTheHorn

  1. I had not looked at the women's bracket so I flipped to ESPN to watch sports center. Saw that Stanford was on a run to tie the game and thought, well at least I don't have a rooting interest and then they showed the bracket and it made the end of this game nerve racking.
  2. On CBS some commentator said Shaka would change the narrative implying Charlie and Shaka did not win at Texas because Texas. That comment did not age well.
  3. I can't find the appropriate GIF that expresses the high that collection of Aggy tears just brought me.
  4. Down the street from my parents home an aggy proudly displays his 1939 lawn banner. I can't find one online so he must have had it custom made. Looks kind of like this one but with aTm and bigger 1939. I would not put this one up and it is from this century.
  5. Poooooor Aggggggy is ready to entertain us.
  6. There are some that are easier to stomach than others.
  7. Someone does not seem to care. I think it will be a theme, therefore I say we post every time we take a loss in our bracket and keep @Hermanator busy.
  8. Arizona president changes tune? Arizona president Robert C. Robbins: Pac-12 media deal will be ‘better’ than Big 12’s https://theathletic.com/4314850/2023/03/15/arizona-president-robert-robbins-pac-12/
  9. If Utah stays they will find themselves out of what will become the p4 dance. Oregon and Washington are bolting somewhere else as soon as they can and it will be more than official at that point that they are out. If the BIG 12 thought Oregon and Washington would stick around they would probably be going after them instead of Utah and ASU. Oregon, Washington, Arizona and Colorado would be a very good combo.
  10. We are happy with 9:55 pm since it is a prime-time game you stupid sip, don't you know we are the bigger draw.
  11. B1G and SEC will be looking to make sure they have a big games almost every week. So if SEC continues to play the sisters of the poor one week before rivalry week then that would be a good time to play your top rivalries.
  12. A great example of living in a bubble. Just because your own fan base hypes every backup QB as the next Heisman trophy winner does not mean other fan bases do the same. The last QB we were hyping for the Heisman was Colt. Fuck aggy other than when they are feeding us tears.
  13. The best part of the announcement regarding us joining the SEC in 2024 is hearing all about how clever we are in getting what we want or the fact SEC associated themselves with an 800 pound gorilla that gets what they want through all necessary means. In the end no matter how we do it they are afraid we always get the best deal for us to the detriment of others. All we ever think of them is what stupid deal with they get themselves into next. It says it all about how we perceive each other and they want to think we take their lead.
  14. There have only ever been 3 rivals and will only ever be 3 rivals. The fact that Baylor considers us a rival does not make it reciprocal.
  15. Oh well the best part of a Super Bowl of teams I don't care about is drinking. So I got the call wrong.
  16. Well I am enjoying the Eagles lost but that was not a pass interference that should have been called.
  17. What the fuck are you talking about, did you read what I was responding too. Your response is so far off the context of what this response was in regard too.
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