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  1. Oh right right. He was the 'return specialist' for most of his time here, had a few good games tho!
  2. I think this is the clip you really meant to add - Lake Trout / No Lake - No Trout: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=54v_owIgSOI
  3. Everyone here hates Earl Thomas, from his brief time as a free agent... the only significant longhorn I can recall being drafted here is Sergio Kindle! Whoops on that one! If I recall correctly, he fell down the stairs blackout drunk and never recovered.
  4. I heard rumors Justin cheated on his wife and that is why he was kicking so poorly this year, but I was not aware of the massage rumor at all. I have basically lived in Baltimore since 2013, so essentially the same time as Justin. I actually met him in 2013 at a local restaurant and stopped to chat about Texas Football, seemed like a nice guy! Not sure what I am going to do with my Tucker jersey now... Ravens rarely ever draft any longhorns.. bah humbug
  5. Old Shaggy poster here who apparently never created a new username with the switch over a few years back... I created an account to answer the question about the Baltimore Banner, but Deac Tracy said everything I would have said...
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