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Certifiably Surly
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troph last won the day on January 2 2024

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27141 Surly 1%

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  1. Summer escape U-turn from Monterey CA area to here. All but done. Adults with the low key pace with about 6 hours of work per day. Kids in some immersion classes, found a mountain bike tour operator they will do some of that. Airbnb prices are way more affordable than US hotspots. Not new to Mexico so cartel presence doesn’t concern us as long as they aren’t highly visible and aren’t coming after gringos. PV isn’t much different - they are there but discrete and not concerned with Americans and Canadians. Invited my 75 year old mom and her bestie - both can walk all over. open to thoughts …
  2. so the 70 or so humans that have contracted it - I know most are workers at these farms - but are we aware of any contracting through consuming commercially available eggs and pasteurized milk? I don't think so...? basically, are the eggs and pasteurized milk at HEB is unaffected.
  3. not directed to me, but we drink ultra filtered - less fat, less sugar, keeps the protein.
  4. I'll lay off the raw milk... for now. thanks.
  5. so serious question - should one stop drinking milk and eating eggs for a period of time?
  6. buncha hoes that's who.
  7. troph


    silver lining - looks like State is currently leaving existing passports alone as long as they have an F or M on them (X are toast). Trans reddit is reporting little problems coming back into the US. I renewed mine early (still had 3 years to go) back in December, so I'm good til 2035 if the current State position remains. Now I need that Texas law that's proposed to retroactively reverse changes on Texas DLs to die in committee and then I'm good for at least 2 years. I need a 4 year reprieve to get my kids out of school and then we leave but we get to leave with my identification from the US the way it's supposed to be.
  8. the first half of the arky game was quite possibly the worst basketball I've seen since my kids played at age 6. atrocious on every level. we can argue what is the higher end range for Texas men's basketball but I think we can all agree the target for mens basketball should be waaaaaaaay higher than this crap.
  9. Is cris Collingsworth calling this game ?
  10. This might be the worst performance I’ve ever seen. Wtf?
  11. we covered the fact that spaceX didn’t seek a higher clearance for musk because of his prior drug use and interactions with foreign leaders? There’s like what 200 spaceX employees with a higher clearance than musk (prior to DOGE)?
  12. I bet his wife uses liquid smoke to make that “brisket” I bet he wears panties in the bedroom too, NTTAWWT.
  13. I will admit as a veteran of therapy it’s incredibly hard to find a good one, you gotta kick a lot of flat tires to find a good one.
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