Fuck off with your benign manifestation crap. 90% of people with severe and long Covid have significant mental health challenges as I described (long Covid starts at 12 weeks and continues for some indefinitely). I’ve spent at least 200 hours researching this and have talked to doctors and researchers who know what the fuck they are talking about. Acute neurological symptoms and mental health conditions are ABSOLUTELY hallmarks of long Covid for many. For those of us who had or have that experience there is nothing benign about it. In fact my cardiologist said long covid is a lot of things but at its core it is one thing… misery. There is nothing benign about mental health symptoms from severe / long covid.
after I got my lung function back, cardio vascular and severe neurological symptoms were exactly what I had. No one who knows shit suggested I had something other than long covid.
In fact where the researchers are going next is to identify subtypes of long Covid and the researcher I spent an entire day with talked up and down the symptoms including severe depression and anxiety and other neurological symptoms. One subtype is more like chronic fatigue, another is more like cardiovascular disease, another lung function concerns, another GI concerns, and then significant and debilitating neurological and mental health concerns. Of course they can overlap and include multiple subtypes.
Whether it’s primary or secondary is still up for debate but my symptoms started getting better when we treated them as primary symptoms. They encouraged my ketamine treatment. When I rejected SSRIs thankfully - they encouraged a whole host of supplements aimed at my brain and central nervous system.
Just stop. You aren’t an expert on Covid. Just like you aren’t an expert on transgender topics either.