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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. Nah revenge of the trannies staring troph and I don’t know doesn’t matter. imagine a world where troph is the supreme leader, a world where trannies hold leadership positions in all corners of Washington, a complete strangle hold on power. Congress can do nothing because of the memorizing beauty of all the tranny lady boys distracting the unsuspecting congressmen….. {sound of a record scratching} this would break the internet if I keep going.
  2. 100 Nazi scalps or die trying…
  3. Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
  4. all healthcare ban it all!!
  5. Hey I got a C in biology 9th grade. Mostly because I got a zero on my fetal pig discectomy because I gave it a Colombian neck tie. She was not amused.
  6. My sons and I are watching inglorious bastards. I highly recommend it as a release valve. Shit we may watch band of brothers again too.
  7. I’m nothing if not understated
  8. Lot of smoke around his role in oligarch money laundering through real estate back in the day.
  9. Can we get a ban on ivermectin too?
  10. And then some
  11. i hope they do. the thing we have to hope for - if he's really a clown car - is that he oversteps and makes a mistake. He's being so aggressive I think the chances are high. will Republicans and the populace react soon enough, to be determined but he's fucking up the Ukraine thing royally and plenty are calling him on it - will it continue to snowball? let's hope so. Europe absolutely needs to call him on it.
  12. trump threatened Europe with troop withdrawals if they didn't acquiesce to a US led proposal for Ukraine to surrender. story just now coming out from Europe.
  13. troph


    that 10% number is old news. It's been 7-10% for a long time now depending on who does the polling. remember, LGBTQ includes your garden variety homos.
  14. his red state hurricane zones are gonna LOVE him now. more leopards eating faces!!
  15. unbelievable we've come to this. with Elon's threat to spend $100M to primary anyone who stands in their way and the threat of physical violence, there's nothing left to do but roll the credits.
  16. .001806% of the under 18 population. definitely should be the lead issue for EVERY politician...
  17. so infuriating. billionares don't need public health services, they just isolate on private jets and in massive compounds or on 300 foot yachts. grift folks this is about the grift. avoid a wealth tax by gutting the government. take more with no oversight.
  18. this needs to be pinned to the top of the board and updated with no responses allowed. then create a thread for discussion where the bullshit can insue but to have this list ongoing and comprehensive is amazing. @immamac we should have done it for biden. we need to track these fools - the old ones and the authoritarian ones.
  19. " “What we need is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to implement change,” he added, while acknowledging that different people have other visions for change. " so acknowledging that misinformation is a problem and that the solution is to win elections is taking your personal right away how?
  20. Remind me what fundamental rights democrats are trying to take away from you? I mean other than your right to take fundamental rights away from others.
  21. with all due respect, I see all of it, but this impacts me directly and there are a LOT of guys on this board that have taken up the cause because they know me in real life, know me here, or they think i'm a bombshell and they want to fuck me. it is a real issue, but it's not what Trump is after, and I've said it repeatedly it's a grift and power grab. this trans issue is about retaining power by controlling the voting electorate. it's the proverbial red meat. the dog whistle. but that does not mean it doesn't matter, it does. and I'll add, if people really believe this is an authoritarian nazi or nazi-like regime then understand segregating, attacking, demonizing, discriminating against, and harming select groups of people who are "other" is not only the tip of the spear, it is one half of what makes them wickedly evil. so standing up on immigration and LGBTQ+ rights is paramount for the resistance. just ask the Jews in Nazi Germany.
  22. I'm out, I've given detailed accounts of how Trump and Abbott policies - every one of them have more unintended consequences that are drastic, dire, and destructive than his theoretical views. The laws of unintended consequences heap terrible outcomes on trans people with these policies. I just hope there's a crack in his views because of this conversation.
  23. one more post. 3 months ago I wasn't worried about this issue, at all. but even with surgery trans folk are now going to prison in the cell blocks of their birth sex. So, thankfully I make really good money. guess what is actually under consideration in my household...? hiring a permanent driver so that I can reduce my risk of law enforcement interaction to near zero. I'm almost 50 years old. I don't violate the law, so before you say - don't break the law and you'll have nothing to worry about - that's not the risk. The risk is personal animus against me, espeically if my license is now M that one thing leads to another and I'm in jail for personal animus and pretext reasons.... much like African American men. I'm literally talking to my wife about moving through society with the same strategies as illegal immigrants because of these policies.
  24. this is likely the last I will add, again it's incongruent with your core belief that government shouldn't be trusted. just like you say (and I think you believe you have no ill will for me as a human) your choices for who you vote for - I am telling you as someone directly impacted by those choices - are not consistent with what you say matters to you.
  25. it's not really the government's place if you mistrust government. and I'm not ignoring the severity of these decisions. It's just not the place for the government by fiat to ban it out right when doctors, mental health professionals, patient and parent are ground zero on the issue for years before any such decision is made. IF? Men hit on me all the time. I am attractive.
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