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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. I'm out, I've given detailed accounts of how Trump and Abbott policies - every one of them have more unintended consequences that are drastic, dire, and destructive than his theoretical views. The laws of unintended consequences heap terrible outcomes on trans people with these policies. I just hope there's a crack in his views because of this conversation.
  2. one more post. 3 months ago I wasn't worried about this issue, at all. but even with surgery trans folk are now going to prison in the cell blocks of their birth sex. So, thankfully I make really good money. guess what is actually under consideration in my household...? hiring a permanent driver so that I can reduce my risk of law enforcement interaction to near zero. I'm almost 50 years old. I don't violate the law, so before you say - don't break the law and you'll have nothing to worry about - that's not the risk. The risk is personal animus against me, espeically if my license is now M that one thing leads to another and I'm in jail for personal animus and pretext reasons.... much like African American men. I'm literally talking to my wife about moving through society with the same strategies as illegal immigrants because of these policies.
  3. this is likely the last I will add, again it's incongruent with your core belief that government shouldn't be trusted. just like you say (and I think you believe you have no ill will for me as a human) your choices for who you vote for - I am telling you as someone directly impacted by those choices - are not consistent with what you say matters to you.
  4. it's not really the government's place if you mistrust government. and I'm not ignoring the severity of these decisions. It's just not the place for the government by fiat to ban it out right when doctors, mental health professionals, patient and parent are ground zero on the issue for years before any such decision is made. IF? Men hit on me all the time. I am attractive.
  5. it's why we are so adamant. my identity - my true identity - doesn't have one fucking thing to do with my government issued identification. my government issued identification is about making sure the world leaves me alone to live in peace. it's as simple as that. If my driver's license says M, I can't get F healthcare - example - my insurance company would deny a mammogram. I'm not kidding you. there's another one. the list goes on and on.
  6. the right decision is to wait. essentially a biological expression of non-binary and wait for the brain to develop enough for the child to signal their gender. I have no ill will toward the medical establishment on this issue but I do know people devastated by these early decisions.
  7. I think there is hope for him actually. I'm trying to share my personal lived experience hoping he is listening. I think he sort of is. I'd post a picture of me and my family so he could see the humanity but that would be a mistake. suffice it to say, I'm no different than anyone here, just trying to live in peace, unfortunately the politicians he supports have declared an out right war for my existence. I hope he sees that.
  8. by the way, if you think my driver's license should say M on it - why? give me the justification. The reality is when my passport is changed to M, I'm immediately outed. That can put me in extreme danger in many places where I would otherwise be fine. I could be detained at an airport or customs station simply out of morbid curiosity, subject to searches, harassment, etc. Same for my driver's license. That's just the tip of the iceberg. discrimination in lending, housing, job searches, etc. all open wide up when I'm outed. Fact is there is not one compelling reason to prohibit my gender marker being left as F in this world that overrides the risk I face if my gender marker is M, none.
  9. I'm not grouping you with anyone. I'm explaining to you that your actions have consequences. You do not get to vote for those that want to DESTROY my life and then say I should be respected first and foremost. Those are incompatible. and the mere fact that I'm disagreeing with you does not mean we aren't having a conversation. you are correct, you are not well versed in the opposition I face, I'm trying to tell you. Please listen, your vote matters and it is destroying people's lives. not about sports, about families, healthcare, mental health, suicide, violence, access to housing, insurance, jobs, and the right to have access to the very promise of America - the pursuit of happiness. There is zero reason for the government to target me and my people to the extreme degree they are. It's HORRIBLE. It's wrong and it has fundamental consequences I hope you never have to face.
  10. the definition of a nazi is someone who is or supports authoritarian leadership coupled with a belief that some groups of people are less than them simply because of who they are. actual genocide is not required, supporting and enacting legislation that segregates, harms and discriminates against those people is sufficient.
  11. I was preparing a post to give him credit. but then he would think he's absolved of the more important aspects here. there is unequivocally an existential threat on my right to (1) live, and (2) do so in peace, in the United States of America. That is actually not even in question anymore. so while I appreciate him saying she in other posts, he continues to have extreme animus toward me given his vote and his positions, despite him claiming otherwise.
  12. different? what the fuck does that mean. I just want to have healthcare that addresses my issues. what the fuck entitles you to health care different than mine? that's nonsensical. healthcare is healthcare. and it just so happens you can't treat trans people without health care. by the way, all the boogeyman bullshit about trans health care. my monthly cost for meds is like $100 or so, I don't mind paying, I don't mind paying insurance premiums, deductibles, etc. but for the LOVE OF CHRIST, Republicans want to take it away period, not make me pay, not take away insurance, they want to BAN ACCESS ALL TOGETHER. no ill will....
  13. you DO realize taking away my healthcare is on the Republican's list of things to accomplish, right? In fact, Trump threatened to pull funding for non-trans related care - Medicare and Medicaid - for hospital systems that perform gender affirming care? you realize there are laws proposed to outright ban my healthcare, as an adult, right? but no ill will....
  14. jesus, you can't even bring yourself to call me a she can you? no ill will though...
  15. I didn’t say you couldn’t be think what you want but you are delusional if you think your position causes no ill will toward me. It’s mentally deranged. and you carry on, but it’s now on the record that a trans person challenged your thinking told you it caused ill will toward them and you continue to chose to believe you have no ill will toward us. you just doubled down on delusion. So don’t be surprised when people criticize you for it, because it’s blatantly obvious you are closed minded, unwilling to evaluate new information and support the outright destruction of lives.
  16. Drives licenses asshole that’s what we are talking about. I’m having to contemplate moving to a different state or country because of the implications of trump’s and abbot’s policies - which you support - but you have no ill will toward me. You don’t get to both sides this. You DO have ill will toward me. You do not get to feel good about yourself with that lie. You can choose to feel good about yourself because your support of Trump has lead to immeasurable suffering if you so choose, but you’re not getting away with the lie that you have no ill will toward me. That’s 100% a lie.
  17. You don’t get to both sides this. Your theoretical position produces actual tangible ill will toward me and others. Ignoring that doesn’t wash the consequences of your actions away. Costa Rica did exactly that.
  18. Main thing is it allows you to close the door in the evenings to the outside world. I am throughly convinced one of the major problems is we just don’t get a break from it all unless we are intentional about it and most aren’t.
  19. Legal documentation? Are you fucking kidding me? Yes you do have a problem with me living my life as I chose. You have NO FUCKING CLUE how inconsequential a gender marker change on a drivers license or passport is to you and how ABSOLUTELY FUCKING CRITICAL it is for me to “live my life as I chose.” you don’t get to both sides this one asshole.
  20. My ex is a rabid book reader … I lost my way years ago because half my day I read dense documents for work. Add social media and most have been swept out to social media sea. I am getting it back slowly tho.
  21. The gender fiasco …. ? Mind your own god damn business before your viagra is taken away from you. My body my right, a family’s medical decisions should not be infringed on by anyone. Why the FUCK you think it’s anyone’s place but doctor and patient to make these decisions makes you a hypocritical asshole. The fact that you and people like you can sleep at night while others are terrorized because your kind can’t leave us alone makes you mentally ill.
  22. That’s funny. We are prepared to stay in Texas for 3 years but know our signals, we’ve been preparing for loss of proper identification - avoid government interactions, how I would drive less or not at all, avoid police interaction, possibly move my residency, then researching states and countries to move too, making moves for early retirement, and all the while and this is probably THE most important …. My friends tell me I have a magical ability to “alchemize” events and circumstances from the negative to the positive so the problems I face become challenges not to overcome but opportunities to triumph. If I’m forced to leave we will live twice as legendary as if we stay. I don’t know how I do it, I just don’t have the innate ability to suffer the plight of a victim, and while there is some ableism in that statement even when I was severely sick, I worked my ass of to triumph through it. I guess the “what if?” line of questioning always leads me to opportunity. They circle the firing squad so to speak on me and my people, what if we went on an adventure? Instead of OMFG we are going to have to flee. And then I just ignore the negative what if’s… I do not think about what if I had more time to think about ordinary things, what if I was cisgender and could run for office, what if I was still a guy, how much money have I lost because I’m not a dude…. What if I get tossed in a men’s jail cell. Those thoughts are not ones I entertain. Instead what if we live on in the mountains of Mexico and wake up to the vibrant cool air, the slow pace of life and without the American soulless social media and for profit industry for everything bearing down on us? I could go on and on. There is a winning mindset in times like these. I lucked into it about the age of 5 in a train wreck or a family of origin. How I chose adaptive behaviors instead of maladaptive behaviors at such a young age? I don’t know, maybe Jesus really does love me.
  23. I actually fuel my preparedness with hope. I protect myself from trauma with strategy and action. As a trans woman that has out kicked my coverage in every aspect of my life and then some…. I think I’ll stick to my innate methods that have served me well. that’s not to say I expect republicans to just turn on Trump. I think we are in a devastating trap of populace having brain worms and the oligarchs can money whip if needed any elected official. But if there is a way to break this, it will be because Trump goes too far beyond his support. If 5% break ranks on him and 5% more show up at the polls he’s toast…. If we have elections…
  24. I am too, but we had been recording her show and I decided to watch the latest. Pitzker speech was her lead, he was good. Polling is declining for him, over 90% of Americans don’t trust Putin, Trump does. That will impact him. Some republicans are starting speak out - focused on Ukraine push back, people are protesting, and news papers all over the country including in rural-ish areas are blasting Trump based on headlines she showed.
  25. The original FAFO…. If only because of the insatiable curiosity of the child.
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