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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. Grounded teenagers and an old worn out tooth brush, duh.
  2. They don’t seem to be nearly as far along as the US on anti-LGBTQ issues. As for the politics generally, I’ll be happy to say not my circus not my monkeys about their government. But your point about where other countries are is telling. Outside of Northern Europe, Costa Rica, New Zealand, and probably some South Pacific islands, only two of which are a legit option (Northern Europe isn’t really bc of sunlight leaving only Costa Rica), where’s one to turn? The whole world is burning and the free world has a flesh eating virus right now.
  3. For that heat we require the water. My ex has been to Merida says it was ok, Oaxaca is much better food scene. And at this point puerto Escondido sounds awesome - but probably only for a visit. SMA and PV have vibrant gay communities so they rise high on our list (PV apart time and SMA during the PV hit season). The climate in SMA is going to be great we think, and the home we are staying in is just incredible looking.
  4. Everyone needs to support the Texas observer - no one and I mean no one tells the stories they tell. Please subscribe to the print magazine or at least donate a few bucks. They are my current only place I devote my resources to fight back. I might expand it later but for now just making sure these stories are told is everything to me…. to us. a lone beacon of hope and compassion, simply by telling the stories of the unfavored.
  5. Wow
  6. Right to pardon is absolute but there are several strong arguments already for textbook impeachment. No on cares, but hey the SB performance was lit (it was).
  7. but I want ah-mer-eka to be first!!! just wait til RFK takes away her chick fil a...
  8. wrote on the other health thread I need to drop 8-10 lbs after 3 weeks of eating well except a few too many cheat nights celebrating my recovery and good health. back on that diet I described full time not just 70% of the time. crazy how harmful alcohol and added sugar/processed carbs and foods are. sucks. hoping it's a two week plan, then calibrate back to 85-90%. pretty sure a wellness journey requires this balance all the time.
  9. no thanks. I've had enough of your expertise.
  10. We fucking told you fuckers, it was in the fucking manifesto his people authored and brazenly published.
  11. Fuck off with your benign manifestation crap. 90% of people with severe and long Covid have significant mental health challenges as I described (long Covid starts at 12 weeks and continues for some indefinitely). I’ve spent at least 200 hours researching this and have talked to doctors and researchers who know what the fuck they are talking about. Acute neurological symptoms and mental health conditions are ABSOLUTELY hallmarks of long Covid for many. For those of us who had or have that experience there is nothing benign about it. In fact my cardiologist said long covid is a lot of things but at its core it is one thing… misery. There is nothing benign about mental health symptoms from severe / long covid. after I got my lung function back, cardio vascular and severe neurological symptoms were exactly what I had. No one who knows shit suggested I had something other than long covid. In fact where the researchers are going next is to identify subtypes of long Covid and the researcher I spent an entire day with talked up and down the symptoms including severe depression and anxiety and other neurological symptoms. One subtype is more like chronic fatigue, another is more like cardiovascular disease, another lung function concerns, another GI concerns, and then significant and debilitating neurological and mental health concerns. Of course they can overlap and include multiple subtypes. Whether it’s primary or secondary is still up for debate but my symptoms started getting better when we treated them as primary symptoms. They encouraged my ketamine treatment. When I rejected SSRIs thankfully - they encouraged a whole host of supplements aimed at my brain and central nervous system. Just stop. You aren’t an expert on Covid. Just like you aren’t an expert on transgender topics either.
  12. The original “gotcha bruh” ruling.
  13. Hard not to like this Republican… smart, principled, even if wrong most of the time on policy she get process.
  14. kathy white or something like that, she sounds like a coo coo bird waltzing out of one of those clocks.
  15. while she does seem attractive, she's gotta be off the charts on the crazy scale. I posted her latest "prayer" on one of the trump threads in CR. nut job through and through.
  16. you cant transform ordinary income from a business into long term capital gains with an LLC or s-corp. the carried interest phenomenon that VC's and PE's use to compensate key employees is still payment of profit from the sale of a portfolio company, so it started as long term cap gains and stays that way, even though it's part of the comp for work. deductions and potentially avoiding FICA/FUTA are really all a business owner can do until they sell their company. maybe he's trying to make a fortune small.
  17. don't tell Trump's head of the faith office or whatever it is. that woman will pray the devil out of her in tongues and shit.
  18. can't wait, ready to drop this world for a life of leisure in SMA (and PV)....
  19. wait don't you want your blowjob first? no of course we won't use our teeth...
  20. xxxx xxxx xxxx xxx1 meh,xxx
  21. depression, anxiety, PTSD, sleep disturbances, and other neurological symptoms are hallmarks of long covid. In fact they are pillars of the diagnosis. stellate ganglion block, EECP and ketamine infusions were the top three treatments I received for long covid. so I think it's very fair to say ketamine helps with long covid. those with long covid know exactly what that means.
  22. 75% non sequitur incoming …. There’s a mice study for zinc, C and Quercetin cocktail stopping cytokine storms, I don’t recall if the same cytokines they stop are the same from Covid.
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