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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. troph


    https://www.equalitytexas.org/eqtx-launches-pro-trans-ads-during-gov-abbotts-anti-trans-speech/ Vimeo videos linked with their names in the articles shocking, trans folks don’t have satanic demons spontaneously flying out their ears, they are just regular folk.
  2. And BINGO was his name-o.
  3. We had to remove our anti Elon sticker because we’ve been bumped on the highway going 60, road raged against (swerve into us, cut us off), and someone yelled at us. The last thing we need for a car we have paid off and don’t feel like it’s a wise decision to replace right now is my own fucking allies vandalizing our car. We bought the damn thing 6 years ago. Vandalizing our car does nothing but hurt me. Elon doesn’t give a fuck.
  4. The worst case is the hastening of the end of the dollar as the global reserve currency. That ends and our sanctions mean jack shit. Not likely to happen immediately but BRICS already been trying and this will only add fuel to that fire.
  5. My wife’s position.
  6. There’s that famous seafood counter they moved I think used to always eat there on our way from San Jose airport to Carmel valley. First stop we knew we were on vacay. Every time. Anyone ever hit a 1000x on a stock? Curious if anyone has a story.
  7. I as a scrawny looking kid with a head commiserate in size with my tall drink of water adult self but a body that resembled a malnourished sub-Saharan Starving child. Imagine a white Ethiopian kid from the Food Aid era - that was me. Thankfully I grew into my head and well I was never the stocky lineman.
  8. they are betting against all odds he will just be a garden variety Reagan republican. fat fucking chance. even the smart greedy ones were warned but they wouldn't believe it.
  9. if a trans girl can do it, so could you. just saying.
  10. carmel valley is actually reachable for us and was my initial preference - fell in love with the valley in my late 20s - but the fire risk worries me. where we live now the fire rating is major, carmel valley pushes past major, pushes past severe and lands on extreme (basalt in colorado where we were also considering for summers only if we could stay in Texas lands on severe for a fire rating). Carmel by the sea and carmel highlands are rated at major like where we currently live, and prices are reachable but the smaller houses. not sure we want to live in 1200 sq ft. We need a 3 bedroom probably for me to have an office, a guest bed and our bedroom. Pebble Beach is probably doable actually. seems more bedroom community where monterey and pacific grove have smaller lots and tighter spaces near the small town centers. the monthly cost for renting in pebble beach and carmel really aren't what I want to spend. I'd like to stay in the 10-12k range for a month. I can do that in PG/Monterey pretty easily. the lack of restaurants right there in PG doesn't bother us, access to the trail however is bad ass. we will drive from Texas and we will bring bikes and ride them daily if I have my way. the weather seems to be relatively similar between carmel by the sea and PG. high 60's in July, bring it brother.
  11. Looking at a month long stay in July this summer.
  12. we are actually considering permanent relo to the area - Carmel Valley Village area, Carmel Highlands, Pebble Beach, and Carmel-by-the-Sea are tops but either fire risk or price will probably or could put those areas out of reach or at least ill-advised. So Monterey and Pacific Grove are next on the list.... curious about your time there for six weeks - talk to me about how it worked on a longer term? other cali's welcome to chime in too. I assume similar weather, etc. to PB and Carmel... not the valley I know that's a few degrees warmer, less fog, more sun. current thinking is to spend a month in Monterey or Pacific Grove this summer, July most likely. we've found 4-5 places in our budget that are dog friendly. thanks,
  13. CA peeps - tell me about Monterey and Pacific Grove? Carmel-by-the-Sea, Carmel Highlands, and Carmel Valley Village are my top 3 destinations but Carmel Valley Village is two steps up from where we currently live in Texas for fire risk. Carmel-by-the-Sea is possibly $1M-2M above our budget for what we would want. Carmel Highlands I would think is mudslide prone dunno, also the lower end is accessible but turn key is a bit too much. So assuming in the next 3-4 years we can't stretch to Carmel-by-the-Sea, what's Monterey and Pacific Grove like for day to day living? anyone know? I can't imagine it much different weather wise and the pacific ocean right there, sunsets, succulents, mild weather, outdoor living, just not as spectacular as a few miles south... am I missing anything? CO is falling down the list for permanent relo, wifey is reminded she doesn't like the cold.
  14. not gonna lie, my side boob shots are fucking spectacular.
  15. For your own good and the sake of your marriage I’m gonna decline. Seeing what are effectively a 20 year old woman’s rack (all natural) on a 49 year old woman’s body will do things to a man’s psyche that just isn’t fair to him or his marriage. it’s for your own good.
  16. Or a national championship. But if I’m being honest back to back national championships
  17. I’ll raise your soco and lay down the SoLa for you. 🤢
  18. Speak for yourself - we literally had the conversation about what would we do if it went past IDs and we had to move and leave my kids in Texas with my ex while we moved to a blue state just so I could fucking live man. this admin and republicans turned this into existentialism not just politics. How reasonable people can’t see that is beyond me.
  19. I’m begging to be left out of this.
  20. Delete the vehicle types please. I didn’t assume any intent. World is not safe right now and it’s only getting worse.
  21. I don’t disagree the Dems need to change. I was simply saying you’re missing the point about media, it’s entertainment and for profit now. There’s no real news among the biggest outlets. Right left nah, profit.
  22. I did read it and you are way missing my point. Two posts were simply be kind. One was tongue in cheek re recruiting new members. The gun one was legit fear - my wife is in bed told me twice she’s afraid. Ana didn’t mean to but added facts that could out me. If the guy that ********* (sheriff told us that’s legit assault) is a member than he could know it was me. So in the off chance that guy is here, I do want him to know we are armed with home defense. Not sure what world you live in but it’s not a safe world for me and my wife right now.
  23. I had an interception in 7th grade football. I was tackled and there was a reasonable sized dog pile. I realized I didn’t like being tackled so that was the end of that. I fizzled out quickly, figured out I wanted a lacy bra instead of a helmet sticker so I traded in. I That was that. I found out quickly I preferred the view from the stands. But hey, I fucking intercepted that QB, hell yeah.
  24. Most media isn’t left leaning. Media is profit leaning. Trump and the outrage cycle is great business most media outlets. Stop participating in the for profit media machine. Just as bad as social media.
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