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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. True but there’s no rational basis to pardon the guy. The unhinged belongs to the newsmaker not the news reporter or the audience commenting.
  2. Our house is ICF and stucco exterior with a metal roof and we were denied coverage by all but one insurer and rates went up 70-80% year over year. Nothing is insurable anymore.
  3. No fault re what was there, compassion and sorrow for what was lost, but we have to build back with more resilience.
  4. Houses in California fire zones need to be rebuilt out of concrete - there are numerous products from cinder blocks to insulated concrete forms. The land is already so expensive it can be economically viable. And you really can’t tell except at doors and windows where the exterior walls are 15-18 inches deep. Reduce the use of flammable materials, full stop. Not sure the impact from earth quakes. Energy efficiency would soar.
  5. A bunch of inspectors general were fired overnight in contravention of federal regulations. nah he’s not looking to remove oversight and accountability….
  6. After further consideration, that’s my opening bid. If I could get early 50s Robert Redford I might do it for the thrill of it.
  7. Interesting …. https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/nuclear-energy/chinas-artificial-sun-shatters-nuclear-fusion-record-by-generating-steady-loop-of-plasma-for-1-000-seconds
  8. Add two zeros and I’d fuck Robert Redford while my wife wonders if I love him.
  9. Three burials is a fantastic movie
  10. Turkey gets out of bed because he hears something, assumes it’s snacks. He’s right. My late evening of solitude is interrupted by a polite moocher… the sit and stare is the ask.
  11. Oh I was googling Justine musk. I’m not so good at celeb following.
  12. She ran off with a transwoman? I mean my own life suggests this is quite possible but I can’t find anything out there confirming this a true.
  13. I detoxed off benzos and prednisone back to back at month 3 of post covid, I was still in the thick of it. Holy fuck. We each have our own journeys, mine has gotten so much better in 6 months but my best friend has a hand tremor that won’t go away at this point, but I’d say just keep trying. I know you’ve tried everything but don’t stop. I treated it as an injury and kept feeding my body the supplements and the food that’s good for my brain, and it’s helped a lot. Stellate ganglion block, ketamine and EECP were the three allstar treatments for me - I’m still doing EECP - 35 total treatments, 10 to go. Covid is here in my house right now with my son, I’ve tested negative repeatedly but I know I was exposed, I can feel my nervous system react. Keep taking care of yourself it’s the only thing you can do. My heart is with you. Peace my brother for you and your family.
  14. Ketamine infusions were a game changer for me. I did 6 and they were all completely dissociative which was a huge part of the benefit as my body was a hellscape. I have a script for troches, they are mildly dissociative and helpful. My mental health started to improve during ketamine. I’m a huge fan. my cardiologist said there’s many symptoms and subtypes of long covid but they all have one thing in common… misery. it was then I finally felt seen.
  15. I heard that tonight crazy
  16. I had suicidal ideation during my post covid recovery. Very similar to what you described. Very distressing until I categorized them as part my brain injury. They are gone now but I had them for 3-4 months, often and at the strangest moments where the slightest negative thought could trigger them.
  17. Biden’s policies were generally really, really fucking fantastic for ordinary Americans. problems - inflation was thought to be transitory in 2020, turned out to be a massive issue that won’t be resolved for a few more years even though the rate of inflation is slowed. It takes years to over come multiple years of 6-9% inflation, especially when you already have years of tepid nominal wage growth at the bottom that doesn’t keep up with inflation. When those wages finally started to rise they further added to the inflationary problems. No president is winning reelection with the inflationary environment we were in. This is a full stop reason. Biden’s physical limitations - not so much his age, but his stutter - has left him uneasy communicating the last few years. Plus I think he wanted to give us all a break from the president being the headline every day. It was remarkable, I enjoyed it all. But he left a vacuum, Trump and the republicans filled it. biden and the democrats don’t know how to engage in a bloody street fight like republicans do. Purity politics, when they go low we go high nonsense, all of it. How Trump gets away with sabotaging a good border bill? Schumer is a terrible communicator too. Gloves have to come off, you have to attack, sound bites, ruthless jabs, just get after them. democrats don’t have an enemy, for those that say they don’t stand for anything, that’s actually nonsense. Standing for principles like equality, safety, personal autonomy just don’t get you anything. What gets you something in this political climate is demonizing others. Go hard to the paint on the oligarchy. Fuck the billionaires. And if they agree the oligarchy is bad, they can give money and speak up, but we still need to go after the oligarchy with the same fervor pitch that the republicans go after Muslims, gays, trans people and Hispanic immigrants. nominate liberal populists. If you go after the oligarchy, you need someone who has the policy initiatives for the working class. Biden was that guy, but so was sanders and Warren, those like them are the future of the party. Reform for college education finance - take the banks out of the profit taking business for school finance, housing, it’s been decades upon decades since we created the conventional loan system, we need new reforms to make more first time home buyers, we need massive health care reform to make healthcare more affordable and accessible, we need to fund and protect social security. These are fundamental things we have to address, democrats talk too much about it and haven’t done anything with it when they’ve had power. That alone is a major issue with democratic candidates and the voters. as for wokeness and all the extra liberal stuff, yeah equal rights matter. But I don’t give a fuck if you put pronouns in your email signature, but I do care that doctors, parents, and patients have autonomy. I do care that women have power and control over our bodies (abortion and trans rights). I do care that trans people should be free from discrimination. The Federal Equality Act was there for the passing but Dems couldn’t get it done. That shit needs to happen. The roll backs for women, queer, gay and trans people is just medieval. I’m not going to apologize for that position, but I can say it’s a major issue in our political culture not because queer folk are dangerou or bad, we are an issue because everything else is so bad. the good news is the Dems historically and even now have the winning positions, the bad news is democrats are absolutely awful politicians.
  18. Particularly because of the transition of power. Reasonable adults should be able to keep the partisanship out of it. Facts are facts, things are going to change. It’s worthy of discussion. I have every reason to hate the new admin, but that’s not for this thread, which frankly is better when Eastern European dumbshits like me just lurk.
  19. Like super super bored. Dang you fellas need to read a book or get a hobby. Or pay attention to your ladies so you can bank those hours for next fall.
  20. y'all some bored mother fuckers.
  21. thank you for finding that. I used the first one I found. Again, "useful but untrue" is the belief that the US is carrying Europe here. The entire free world has a vested interest here, contributing .5% of your GDP to the effort to stop Russia is a GOOD thing for everyone. It will properly send the message to all despots including China vis a vie Taiwan that the world will not abide.
  22. this is a really useful graph showing contributions as of last summer. by sheer dollar amounts the US is by far the biggest supporter of Ukraine but by GDP which is a much more appropriate metric in my view, it's a lot closer: Of course, time periods may not line up with the entirety of the war (I did not check) and there certainly can be an argument Europe should bear a larger portion but do note that the UK not an EU country contributed the most by GDP of any area or country (measuring the EU as one entity) during this time and combined with the rest of Europe the number is higher. Note the sizable support based on GDP from Denmark and the Netherlands when you break out the EU nations. Ultimately, I believe the narrative that Europe isn't carrying its weight is just blatantly false. But hey, that's a "useful not true" statement. That's what we do these days. I think it's an extreme mistake for the US to stop supporting Ukraine financially as the US has a strategic interest in both a secure Europe and a weakened Russia, but if the position is set in stone - no more aid from the US - then Europe is doing the next best strategic move by offering to pay. Say what you will about Trump and personally you know what I think, he often times wins without taking the winning course. Europe will pay more, the US will pay less, it will be claimed a victory and our relationships with NATO and our allies will be weakened. But for Ukraine, what matters is the arms and money continues to flow. I'm glad Europe has taken on the role of being an adult here. kudos to them.
  23. I agree fuck Trump. it has to go to the states anyway, it's not going to pass. but intellectually, if done right it's not an unreasonable thing to raise for discussion. he's not doing that, if I didn't make myself clear, his approach is extremely detrimental to our country and its governance.
  24. in a modern world I have no issue with revisiting birthright citizenship if the person born here was born of parents without permission to be here. That said, the process to discuss and propose that change is EQUALLY as important as the change itself. The demonization of immigrants first, the inhumane treatment of his first term and what's happening now, and the language and discourse around this issue is hugely damaging to all of us. Frankly, invoking an immigration bill that does protect dreamers, does protect current birth right citizens, provides a lawful path to work here especially in industries that need immigrant workers (much like the high end worker visa issues, we need a skilled/unskilled labor program too), then with all of that we could look at a Constitutional amendment to end birth right citizenship for people born of parents that are not here lawfully.
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