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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. Jesus Texas … Burner man that was sick
  2. How’d you die?
  3. Old lady in right field first row knows what’s up for Valentine’s Day
  4. I mean I could be convinced, pretty easily. Does Galvan have a beard or is that face paint?
  5. Man the crowd is raucous! TEXAS!!!!
  6. So we are SEC ready now huh?
  7. So staches are now allowed eh?
  8. 1st base Louisville has a fucking mop for hair Jesus.
  9. Got damn I like this kid
  10. I’m here, fucking Valentine’s Day is bullshit. did I miss balcones defending Pierce yet?
  11. You must live a privileged life. I know plenty, more than a couple of them even left the country. My best friend from my kids friend group is building in Costa Rica right now to leave bc of the politics. Started looking for property trump’s first term and should be done very soon. They will leave when their youngest graduates in about 18 months. I know a gay couple that moved to Mexico during trumps first term. I’d probably have to look through my Facebook friends for others for out of country. There are several on this board I know left Texas bc of politics. It’s rarely only politics but in each of these cases the move was voluntary not because of a job relo.
  12. my pup gets really frustrated with me when I mirror him. just give me the fucking bone already is his response I think.
  13. It’s not really voluntary. If you are considering being the inside opposition, this is a signal that you best leave now, otherwise your agency or your job may just be eliminated, legalities be damned. Again what they do (violate the law with impunity), not what they say.
  14. Hang with me… the real objection that invalidates the whole is at the end… In theory there are a number of actions that are being talked about that I could quibble with how around the edges but the idea isn’t objectionable - cutting expenses, consolidating real estate, selling surplus property, reducing headcount, eliminating fraud, etc. that is what they are talking about doing, it it’s not what they are ACTUALLY doing. they are destroying the government, running off talent, extracting revenge, hiring extreme loyalists, taking what they want, violating the constitution, and in most cases so that they can lower taxes or remove obstacles to their power and wealth grab. They promised to fight for the working class, they use the language still but the bigly actions aren’t so much anti-woke, anti-queer, even anti-immigrant - that’s all a smoke screen, cutting costs and expenses, also a smoke screen, they want lower taxes and a weaker government so that the oligarchs can take more without risk of oversight or penalties. the big companies get this, and those that can have already turned over almost $100m to DJT in the form of law suit settlements. It’s fucking transparent. He sues, they don’t claim their fundamental first amendment right, they pay. foreign policy is also for sale. Selling technology to India? Grift indirectly. Trying to settle the war in Ukraine to the objection of Ukraine and Europe, also a grift. Suspending FCpA enforcement, direct grift. Trump is basically saying this how the world works, oligarchs and grift, common man hating each other and smoke screen the whole thing while you power grab, rape the earth, and destroy humanity. And on the back side Trump and his cronies will get paid. this is all an oligarch grift. And they will say anything and do anything to keep the religious and the working classes distracted. So yes, queer folk, immigrants, etc will be sacrificed so the focus is on them, not the grift. Basically they think they have a majority of the electorate allowing the infiltration of extreme Christianity into the government, persecuting LGBTQ folk, controlling women’s bodies, and demonizing brown people. But that is not what they care about. That’s only how they acquire and retain power. They only care about the grift. focus on what they do, not what they say. What they say is propaganda. What they do is the real motivation. if I had a prayers chance in heaven to win state wide or federal office this is would be my stump speech. I’d pound that mother fucker into the ground with it. Because it’s true.
  15. But he’s cutting expenses … don’t you even balance the budget bro?
  16. Guy Clark is rolling over in his grave
  17. I prefer … and resemble this one though… in fact I think I might update my avatar to this one.
  18. Needed this during the campaign….
  19. Who is the lovely woman on the window sill ?
  20. That’s so funny. I need to text him and say hi. He’s definitely checked out.
  21. Does this mean we get a remake of clear and present danger with Harrison ford and team being ambushed in a convoy of cyber trucks instead of Yukons?
  22. thanks for the reply. yeah LT has great options for go getters, the regular classes are terribad though.
  23. cartels need tourism to launder their dirty money too. we have friends in Ajijic as well. their hacienda is the fucking tits. jaw dropping wow.
  24. Go to breakfast… plain yougurt, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, pecans, sunflower seeds (dry roasted), flax seeds (dry roasted), and pepitas. sweet as can be, zero added sugar, no processed carbs or foods.
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