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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. Tell that to Steve Miller, man.
  2. CA will fight like hell for their own climate regulation autonomy - if CA can win and hold it's own, their economy alone will dictate some positive policies that extend beyond CA. we can hope, but Trump Admin is coming for that autonomy. In the end, we are going to have to see most of the world convert to (i) nuclear, wind, and solar (with batteries), (ii) EVs, and (iii) we are going to have to bring costs down and turbo charge carbon atmospheric vacuums. There's a lot more but if we don't start sucking this shit out of the air with a massive filtration system we are just doomed. how on Earth the richest countries in the world aren't dumping money into this is beyond me.
  3. there's a Bruce Springsteen song in there somewhere.
  4. the thing is the heil hitler salute will make the rounds, the outrage will be there, meanwhile not a damn thing will be said about the shit they do. it's how it goes. focus on the symbolic, not on the real dangers. it's all fucking bullshit.
  5. I was including the others in my broad "last rounds of pardons." yes, the hyenas will crucify Biden, praise the all worthy Trump, and they will stare at tik tok like good brave new world epsilons consuming their soma. fuck all of it.
  6. he would have looked like a fucking chump had he not done the last rounds of pardons and DJT went after them.
  7. projection and gaslighting is a thing in authoritarian fascism. it's biden's fault. duh. drain the swamp! meanwhile the fucking alligators are now in charge.
  8. pretty much a top 5 reason I can't be straight even if I wanted to be. I think most straight men would have that response.
  9. My mantra for the next four years. One eye open for the knock at the door with my go bag but that’s about it.
  10. That’s standard evangelical prayer culture down to the exact phrasing.
  11. Tahoe casinos in the winter (if you don’t ski) are actually the worst.
  12. I mean dad bod amirite ?
  13. Imma start a fire I think
  14. Man this eagles rams game is making me feel so cold.
  15. Scams are easy to spot but they clutter it up when you really are trying to find things. We are looking for a pool table for the boys and 2/3 of the listings appear to be scams. I actually think fb marketplace is pretty good otherwise, better than Craigslist because of search and algo features.
  16. On occasion my wife uses Facebook market place to find shit. What a fucking cesspool of scammers. Hey Zuck, how bout you at least take down the scammers when they are reported, I mean that’s if you aren’t willing to actually do anything else to enforce civility and order on your cesspool of a market place. Lazy ass motherfucker.
  17. Here are three store bought juices I consume on the reg: all very low calorie, low sugar and no added sugar. Most are vegetable based and the one with pineapple actually leads with ginger, cayenne and lemon not pineapple. The pineapple is there to make it a bit more tolerable but you can see at 15 cals for 12 ounces there isn’t that much pineapple juice. I usually consume these in the morning with food. And I don’t use these as a substitute for vegetables but as an additive.
  18. @EE2B breast MRI is what picked it up. the drug is Kisqali supposedly a miracle drug.
  19. Haven’t had sex (yet) still don’t care. yeah finnebaum said those things on the SEC post game. Most of the Washington and tOSU losses are on him. Situational awareness, scheme without the right players, too much reliance on cute slow developing misdirection, not adapting enough in game, weird play calling, and for all his culture talk, missing that last “attention to detail” on the OL (penalties), route running, TE/WR blocking, and RB pass protection. He’s gotta dial it in that last bit and more than half of that is on him in the offseason. get it done Steve.
  20. From what I heard second hand the doctors were not freaking out with enjoy your life while you can statements so it seems stage 4 cancer isn’t a death sentence anymore and they were confident in the drug’s efficacy they did say “if it works” though. But yeah my wife was optimistic. still she’s got to be zero estrogen for life so there’s complication with that plus the drug. Good news is most common side effects are some but not extreme fatigue and some GI irritation. Could be a lot worse. We think the estrogen side effects will be the hardest actually - bone loss being the top one.
  21. So those who have tackled depression with some success - besides SSRIs*, what has worked for you? Having lunch weekly with a friend for support and don’t plan to go into attack or idea mode just there to listen but I’d like to have ideas. on my list: sunlight / vitamin D Diet and nutrient deficiencies exercise relationships loss of interest - focus on anything they still enjoy therapy Ketamine Red light therapy especially in the winter Sauna treatment transcranial magnetic stimulation Anything else ? * SSRIs are an option but it’s the only option most doctors offer so if I am asked I’d like to focus on other options.
  22. Y'all know what I and my wife have been through the last six months - and the last week if you visit the getting old sucks thread - well today she took her best friend to MD Anderson - best friend has stage 4 breast cancer - they can’t find it in the breast, they found it in her lymph nodes and blood. Turns out even mammograms every six months didn’t turn it up (family history led to more frequent scans). Not the lumpy kind, oh great. So far gone, they won’t do radiation, chemo or surgery. There is an immunological drug that’s been approved for about 5 years that could work but she’ll be on the drug for life and they also have to stamp down her estrogen to zero since it’s estrogen dependent. Won’t know if it works for 4 months. MD Anderson is the fucking tits though. Got this all done in two days, she’s on the estrogen blockers tonight will have the cancer drug by next week. I really hope this works, she’s an amazing lady, and my wife’s bestie. I remember when my wife wondered if this woman liked us and she was worried because she wanted to be her friend. Fuck.
  23. troph


    There is an alternative, you can throw away your cell phone and turn in that Mercedes and ride a bicycle, hunt for your food and live in a tent, you’ll be the only one and it won’t make a damn bit of difference, plus I hear the moral high ground gets really windy at night.
  24. excellent prognostication, but you forgot new number 9. I've revised for you.
  25. Yep. play the Kiss albums backward and it says very clearly “I love Satan.” the possible good news is after the 1980’s backlash we enjoyed progress. Hoping we have the same coming in the future. Not banking on it given other factors like resource scarcity, climate change induced global stress, wealth inequality, decentralized threats like terrorism, and population density.
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