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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. that's pretty demoralizing, I think the only counter to this is France, Germany, Poland and the UK putting troops on the ground and the French and British doing so in numbers with a clear message Ukraine is now de facto nuclear. absent that, I think this article is likely true. unfortunately, that does mean war with Russia and no matter how you technically define a World War - Russia fighting in Ukraine with French, German, British and Polish troops present on the ground (and anyone else that will join) is pretty much what we called a World War in I and in II.
  2. I hate to break it to the real man of genius but that 12, 16, 24 ounces of Jimmy Dean will fucking kill him 20 years early. But hey, he's a real man, all 200 pounds of one. only pussies eat plain yogurt with an assortment of berries, nuts and seeds for breakfast. fucking museli and oat milk. get em yanks and fairymen and their healthy 93 year old asses outta here!!!
  3. ok so British capabilities? when it comes to Europe defending Ukraine - intelligence is probably the number one weakness, as well as some advanced weaponry but I think the Brits have enough on the weapons side for Europe to do just fine. so how is their stand alone intelligence for Ukraine?
  4. you and my wife are in agreement. she can't deal with all the off topic chatter.
  5. serious question - the Israelis and the Brits have arguably the 2nd and 3rd best traditional intelligence communities. can they pick up the slack, not all but enough?
  6. did he say it in the sexy french accent because if he did, I'm in.
  7. I'm becoming a huge fan of the French, Germans and British right now. and the Polish, those bastards are just being quiet but they ready to cut a bitch I'm telling you. and don't sleep on the socialists from the northern country. those motherfuckers straight up sober said, "we're in" oh and the Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians? Those men have hot women to defend, well at least if they look like our local tennis pro. Russia is gonna get boxed in.
  8. lighting a molotov cocktail from the flames of freedom for starters, sheesh.
  9. Can the gays and queers be tagged @rainbowmafia ? That would be the tits
  10. don't opt into @lawdogs, it's a cesspool of misery, alcoholism or recovering ones, and just a bunch of other weirdos.
  11. the entire world thought Russia would sack Kyiv in less than a week. let's not revise history please.
  12. I’m not endorsing it at all. Either way though it cannot be a long term strategy. people talk about stealing elections for real this time and maybe that along with the take over of federal LE is the game, set, match for a coup without a shot fired, I still don’t see how he gets a third term, though martial law could be declared. Seeing the supremes go 5-4 against him today even if a technical small victory is still something. I think Roberts and Barrett are swayable. I’m rambling but it’s a long way of saying let Trump tank the economy, inflict pain, let his numbers drop, see if the mid terms go the other way, and if we have one last shot to save this. If so, playing dead is simply meant to let Trump walk his own plank a bit. I get the doomsday scenario I truly do - believe me I do, but there is another outcome possible.
  13. The thing about playing dead is you don’t give Trump things to attack. You get out of his way and let him destroy things without having the reality TV insults and bickering that he thrives on.
  14. troph


    Pronouns in an email - more likely than not - signals to people like me that if they were to find out about my status things would not change or be impacted. Some may have been be forced to oblige but most did so voluntarily. It’s kinda of a big deal.
  15. I’ll be honest, I wish there was a path for me. I’ve considered moving to a state where I could but those states don’t need people like me to run. Plus my wife would divorce me and the discord and threats are too much now. I still think about it often though.
  16. back in my HRC days she and I were peers. unfortunately Texas would execute a trans lady for no good reason before Texas would elect one. good for Sarah, hope she can stay the course. at this point I don't know how anyone does politics anymore. you know she's getting death threats. there's a woman in the state house in VA that set the precedent on how trans people represent in legislative bodies - you don't advocate much at all for trans rights, that comes across as a selfish act, instead you keep your mouth shut and deflect back to the economic issues of your constituents. The mere fact that they voted you in is the only act of defiance required.
  17. There’s nothing political about your post.
  18. UT baseball playing coastal aggy tonight on SEC+ that’s actually enjoyable. Fuck Chester.
  19. troph


    The shit nightmares are made of.
  20. troph


    Pretty much. Took me a while to come around - mostly ignorance, fear and inward focus - But give me drag queens over just about any other form of human and I’d be just fine.
  21. 3 happy to buy them of course.
  22. I read a few years ago that US forests coast to coast are actually in the best shape they have been in since before we were clear cutting with reckless abandon. Out west drought is a concern but the US has tons of forested land like 800 million acres. US forests are actually a major carbon sink for the earth, one of the top countries in terms of forest resources. There’s a ton of forests east of the Mississippi and most of the time we think of Rocky Mountain forests. I think there’s plenty of room to grow the timber industry I just want it done wisely and not on old growth national parks and done in a way that is truly sustainable. but to your point - no one wants a sawmill by their home.
  23. What’s the best place to buy secondary market tickets for this weekend? Looking to take my two sons on Saturday.
  24. came to find out about this fire, client mentioned a friend of his is being evacuated but it's not even on local news yet.
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