I'm ambivalent about him surviving too, but my values and the values of the people I admire and respect and the values I want to see in my family, my sons, and our world are antithetical to promoting and advocating for violence. When I get to the end of my line and my loved ones are close to me, I want them to think kindness and compassion won the day along with grit, perseverance and passion for being the very best version of you you can be.
So I can't advocate violence against anyone and achieve that - and fuck any piece of shit fascist that's going to take that away from me, they already are going to take everything else from me if they can. I can, should and will control what I can control.
I struggle all the time to live my values of kindness and compassion, so this is not a look at me, even typing this I'm like shit I haven't done so good lately. But I know - sometimes on a daily basis - what it's like to be subjected to abject hate. To be direct, some hate I experience directly is here (I never ignored people on message boards until I transitioned now I have over a dozen on ignore because of hate) and most of it is out there in "real life" from people spouting absolutely vile things out their mouth about my kind of people.
To be clear though, I'm a gun owner and I have two firearms with ammunition that will blow holes right through a mother fucker that breaks into my home and threatens my life or the lives of my family. If I truly feel like my life or theirs is threatened and at risk I will shoot the perp without remorse (but with fear for my life), but that is NOT violence and I certainly don't advocate for that set of circumstances.
So fuck Trump in his goat ass. I can type for days about all the things I think about him, but advocating for his murder from a rando kid or from a political assassin just isn't something I can get behind. I can't get behind advocating for violence against the schmucks who are duped by him either. I think the insurrectionists belong in jail, Trump in jail, and I think LE should crack down on extremism but I'm not going to take up arms or advocate for the taking up of arms against others absent the need to defend oneself. I'm just not.