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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by troph

  1. He’s done stuff. There you have it.
  2. Can some one post more Russian tanks exploding please?
  3. incompetent terror yes lobo can have the band name.
  4. Okay okay, next hot wife he has I’ll take one for the team and seduce her.
  5. Everybody has their kink. I mean having your wife strap one on isn’t as weird as some other shit that’s out there, it’s not like he wanted to wear his bowling shoes too.
  6. Your name is Elvis what other conclusion could one draw?
  7. 5% when you start trying to lose weight is mostly retained water. It’s the easiest weight to lose and the easiest to gain back. You are correct there’s no way you can lose weight if you’re drinking lot of calories as an adult because they don’t fill you up and most calories in drinks are pure sugar. But absent a fad diet or medical intervention which are not sustainable, the only wait to drop weight and sustain a lower weight healthily is to eat healthily, I’ve described it on the other thread about ozempic but basically you have to avoid all added sugar and frankly animal saturated fats too (except eggs, limited plain yogurt and some low fat milk). Do that - strictly - and I do mean strictly - and then you don’t have to count calories.
  8. Easy read about Texas history from one black Texan woman’s perspective. It’s not a long book, but it does get into texas mythology and she doesn’t ridicule it and even embraces it while deconstructing its perfection. I wish something like this could be required reading in high school.
  9. Bahahaha no chance of stone lezzies here. Just good looking enough to interest men but not enough to be porn stars. Though an only fans or some other web cam duo was our back up for lawyer rate income when we were both in our 40’s. Ok Sorries. Back to the war effort….
  10. Not to take away from your sentiment but a lot do save because they might need money for a lawyer, a coyote, help a family member, etc.
  11. There are tons of resources for the anti-inflammatory diet on the googles. Oh yeah if its not on that list it’s strictly off limits.
  12. Hahaha, maybe we just threesome instead. You know like John Lennon peace and harmony imagine all the people. Shit like that?
  13. I'll add that I did some calorie counting and holy shit a heaping plate of vegetables even with the oil and the lean protein for dinner, 800 calories is the max I could get to. as for the health side of it? a lot of it you can't see but my blood work was absolutely perfect and my blood pressure was under 120/80. the rest of the benefits don't show up until later in life when you are still kicking it healthy wise.
  14. We are emphatically opposed to buying another Tesla. But for now this will have to do…
  15. I'm in a mood today - lots of sex on my mind - must be my hormones I dunno. but I'm seeing the jokes everywhere. braisen, bold, don't give a fuck, come at me broh. everyone should get laid tonight, tell your ladies or men I said so. it's a fact.
  16. My god I’ll be honest if I took an IQ test and it said I was only smarter than 447 people in a room of 1000 I would kill myself.
  17. Hey man I dunno what’s going on here but I was like a whole other person in 2008 like literally so leave me outta it. Kthxbai!
  18. these foods are so fiber rich and the exact opposite of calorie dense I don't think you really have to worry about it. I would not go crazy on meat and dairy especially at first. but as long as you are heavy on the vegetables at dinner a 6-8 ounce piece of chicken isn't going to mess you up. and you will be full on cooked broccoli or sweet potatoes long before you max out on calories. I had heaping plates of sweet potatoes and green beans and I was just too full to keep going and then I had my resistant starches for the next day. If I was going to do this diet again for weight loss, I would first focus on eliminating the bad stuff and only eating the good stuff. I would not limit portions at all. I would go all in on it and eat as much as you want - BUT I would make for damn sure you were at zero added sugars and no animal saturated fat. Don't cheat with that honey peanut butter at HEB, don't put a smidge of butter in your oatmeal, don't pinch some brown sugar in there. don't. do it. 4 weeks in of no added sugar and no animal fat, then take a look and see what's going on. In theory you could be eating too much but again once your body is off the shit, it has a lot of room for good carbs and a lot of room for good fat. If I recall correctly I also added yogurt later, I definitely added milk later, so limited dairy for sure at the beginning. on meat - I'd not go past one chicken breast for dinner, or on pork tenderloin I would have 5 or 6 slices. Fish an HEB filet even if 1.5 servings is fine. I would not eat those meat servings twice a day. whole grains does not mean whole grain pasta or whole grain bread, I mean oatmeal, museli stuff like that. strict is the key. a month in you might find like I did that I actually craved certain healthy foods. my go to's were roasted okra, watermelon, grapes and potatoes. god I would just devour potatoes.
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