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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. That kid had 50 Ks and 16 walks in 36 innings as a freshman, with a .205 BAA. How did he not get poached by somebody?
  2. I feel like we beat the refs not MS St
  3. This is absolutely the worst coached college basketball team I think I have ever seen.
  4. Our roster deficiencies come down to the inability to get easy baskets or stop easy baskets at the end of close games. Arkansas just started trapping Tre and we had no way to reliably score. Meanwhile they did have a way. And it's because of our roster. A coach can scheme up all kinds of looks but you have to have players who can get to the rim and finish so you aren't relying on shots to fall all the time. We have one guy who can take it to the rack and finish. Take him away and we are totally reliant on hitting outside shots. Barnes best teams always have multiple guys who can finish. So do most of the SEC teams above us. We don't have enough dudes. I thought Mark was a second one but he isn't. Kaluma is, but only against bad teams. He can't finish against good front lines. So have one stud, two role players, and a bunch of jags.
  5. Still not buying it. Several of those teams have physically kicked our asses. No coach can fix that without different players. Arkansas - kicked our asses inside down the stretch. They had a post game to get easy baskets, we did not. Vanderbilt - their big guy kicked our ass right from the whistle and their big stocky guard could not be handled by our guards at crunch time
  6. Neal Brown was the washed up coach to be named later in the deal for Chad Scott
  7. I detect some sarcasm here but I suspect few of us Texas fans have seen Mateer play. He is good. Going from pure suck to good at QB makes all the difference in the world in CFB. If they don't win 8 he should and will be fired.
  8. Yeah, no. We have no inside presence and no real point guard. The ceiling of this team with good coaching is still probably .500 in SEC.
  9. For the NFL team he plays for - if he ever gets on the field - he will continue the tradition of other teams being happy he is their QB.
  10. Of course. I forgot that every action should be judged around whether or not someone is a pussy.
  11. Why would you still run on a bum ankle?
  12. Well who is "you guys" in your original post?
  13. Did that guy's mom get into his account?
  14. He's capable of being a weekend guy right now. He's always around the plate, can locate the FB and has two version of the breaking ball and can locate both. He's special.
  15. Did Columbia come back?
  16. It's Texas. We watched Charlie Strong Football.
  17. Not sure that's ideal. He pitches to contact. He's best suited to be an innings eater when the starter melts down. Right now I don't see a viable closer unless they try to go with Duplantier. Mercer seems to have no control and throws a very straight ball. The freshmen DV and Burns have great stuff but are probably just too green. Riojas doesn't seem to have an out pitch. Also, who's the setup guy? Is it going to be grab bag every night? I guess the man gets paid to figure this stuff out but it's pretty murky at the moment.
  18. So the pen is Grubbs, Duplantier and 2 freshmen.
  19. Schloss absolutely loves him some 93 mph. Had to learn the hard way.
  20. did not record an out
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