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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. SEC coaching at bargain basement prices
  2. Who is more doughy? McCord or Howard? He got run the fuck over
  3. It's not like there wasn't plenty of evidence. He's a career 7-5 coach
  4. Welp. 2-0. Drive home safe
  5. We've had a ton of chances in this half. Missed a penalty kick. Just missed from 10 yards on a 1 v goalie. 1-0 UF
  6. What has visualizing the spin of an electron ever done for anyone? I'll tell you. Nothing.
  7. CDC was asked about this at a fake town hall. His answer was that the company that did it went out of business during Covid and is not coming back, but feel free to start your own bus company.
  8. Just horrible game management by Satterfield
  9. Coaches are meatheads even at this level
  10. Why did Bama snap it twice with 20 seconds?
  11. It's your other half. You were sliced in two by a huge cleaver and married your other half.
  12. What was your favorite UNLVs almost best season ever memory?
  13. Have you watched him play? He took over the Kansas game. They could not tackle him.
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