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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. It's rarely about hustle with this team. They just play stupid and a lot of them just aren't very good. We are relying on a guy like Larry to create and score. Shedrick plays hard but just gets bullied night after night.
  2. Broken record: the ISU transfers are not good. Not even average SEC good
  3. You think they are national and/or public?
  4. This sounds good as a business trope but I don't think it's true here. Otherwise you'd fire him now. UT stands for class and treating people with dignity. We don't fire people before they've essentially fired themselves. I realize you were responding to the thought that he might earn another year by winning a tournament game. It could happen, but we shouldn't just fire him now or at the end of the regular season to prevent it from happening. You do the adult thing. Evaluate him at the conclusion of the entire season.
  5. For the coaching vacancy of __________ in 20__ we should hire Jerry Gray
  6. What a colossal embarrassment. Idiots like Gerry Hamilton were saying this team could get to 9-9.
  7. An exciting brand of basketball! Who doesn't love 1 on 4 followed by throwing it to nobody or a wild shot?
  8. I wonder if Indiana State pines for their transfers to come back
  9. I mean, he's questionable alright
  10. You would not say we look like well coached team?
  11. We've made 7 shots in 15:30
  12. On the floor he had Pryor, Larry, Kent, and Onyema. At the same time. I mean WTF
  13. Pro tip: go towards the basket on a drive to the basket
  14. If RT survives the season can he please bring in a real PG?
  15. Larry: two touches, two TOs
  16. Shedrick is so frustrating. How can he be so weak with the ball?
  17. Doink. Off the upright.
  18. So he's a typical teenager
  19. Clearly Texas' and Sark's fault
  20. I think this is the guy Gerry said they are expecting to run a 10.4 100m.
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