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Everything posted by ClubWhatever

  1. The pitching in the CWS has been pretty underwhelming. So many fat pitches.
  2. Well I don't know the rule but it looked like what pitchers do all the time. The fact the he paused for a tick isn't that unusual
  3. Bullshit balk call
  4. We're firing a coach who has been to Omaha and/or won a conference title in nearly 40% of his seasons?
  5. So which bolts did they forget to install this time?
  6. It's a Netflix throwaway that tried too hard to be Out of Sight. You could see it coming a mile away that he would face a conflict about whether to actually kill someone, starting with the ridiculous conversation with his ex wife about whether a personality can change. The tension created by the other cop knowing what was going on could have been resolved in so much more of an interesting way. But no, let's just have them kill him.
  7. Too much. Simple fix: tear down I-35 and replace with pedestrian zone.
  8. So many dumb plays in this series
  9. She's been pulling off everything. No shot really
  10. Yeah Maloney will never get a hit
  11. It's a thin line. One or two plays made the difference in this game. The advantageous calls add up to influence those plays. No wer are not better but it's a stacked deck.
  12. The home cooking makes a huge difference . Huge.
  13. I want to murder this ump. What a fucking bitch
  14. OU does the fundamentals better than us. They take extra bases and generally make the plays to be made. Them getting the calls just exacerbates it. You have to play clean against them.
  15. So tired of shitty umpiring in softball.
  16. I heard he's living with Gary Patterson
  17. Pretty soon after I started watching a couple of years ago I thought everything needs to be moved back 10 to 15%. Mound, bases, fences.
  18. Citaly's ball is straight and meaty
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